Friday 26 December 2008

UnderRated: Cadburys Wispa

I'm not much of a chocolate eater but I have always had a huge weakness for the Wispa.

To be honest, I was sad but not distraught when it was withdrawn from sale since it was a temptation. And we anorexics don't really like temptation.

However, more recently, when I seem to have the condition under control to the degree that I will occasionally treat myself to a chocolate bar, the absence of my favourite Cadburys bar became something of a problem.

Green & Blacks is very nice but it tends to come in big bars which sit in the fridge and shout at other people to finish them when I've satisfied my immediate need for a couple of squares.

Lindor chocolate balls are a long-established weakness that is only indulged at Christmas due to my propensity for polishing off an entire box prior to lunch and suffering from a faceful of zits a week later.

I spoke to my mole at Cadburys, expressing my sadness and it was he that told me of the first whispers. They were thinking about bringing it back. As a test. To see how popular it was.

When this eventually came to pass, there was still no sign of them in my local stores and when I emailed him plaintively, he procured and despatched two of the sought after bars. That man is a hero!

It was just as good as I remembered. Soft, sweet and moreish. Melting on the tongue and satisfying the craving without the kickback of a headache and sugar rush afterwards.

And then came the best news of all. Wispa was coming back. PROPERLY.

I joined the Facebook appreciation society in anticipation. It was just such a shame that it took so long to filter down to my local shops. And then, when it did, I had to resist temptation for a little longer. After all, I didn't want to feel as if it was some extension of obsessive/compulsive disorder. So I tormented myself for a full month after they first appeared in our stores and rewarded my self-control after a particularly exhausting and stressful week.

Ahhhhh.... bliss!


  1. You couldn't work your magic on Spangles and Opal Mints could you?

  2. I don't think I have ever eated one! Not my kind of chocolate......but maybe I will try one now!

  3. One of my favourites I must admit: and a fantastic lesson to us all that things really can come back. Now I just want Blake's 7 on the TV and my local Post Office re-opened and I will be truly happy. Ha ha.

    Hope you had a good Christmas.


  4. I am not a big fan of Milk chocolate prefer a nice bar of Bournville...mmmm...xx

  5. Kevin, I loved Spangles and Opal Mints as a child but they'd be a bit too sweet these days. Im going to put my talents towards resurrecting the Wispa Capuccino next :)

    Justme - it's not like any other chocolate bar. The aero or ripple come close but not the full banana. Yumsville :)

    Dazza - Was never really a one for Blake's Seven but I would like my Post Offices returned!

    Rae! - Yes, normally Im a dark chocolate girl too. Try some Green & Black's ginger or cherry bars. They are really good :)

  6. Bravo!!!
    I will attempt to encouragement from your example of recovery & self control, and apply it to where I need it.

  7. Wispa? Wish-pa.

    Never heard of it.


  8. Lindor ... mmmMMMmmm ... they are the biz. You can keep all the Wispas in the world if you'll let me have a Lindor!

    I'm not sure if I should tell you this or not, but Green & Black do mini-bars too - just enough to satisfy that initial craving :)

  9. No Wispa's here but we do have Lindor - delicious!

    Maybe when a Tesco comes to my town they'll carry Wispas. Tesco is apparently trying to give WalMart a run for the money in the U.S.
