Friday 2 January 2009

Banging on the Bongs

Even though we both agreed that it was a good idea, I should have known it was unlikely in the reality.

After a week apart, my prospective eta of around five would leave a good seven hours to hold off an increasingly more persistent and very rampant Ruf. The previous year I had arrived the night before New Year's Eve and we had spent the entire 24 hours in bed. Our plan to bang on the bongs was a bit of a damp squib as our bodies were completely exhausted so we had to follow tradition and snog instead.

Back to this year and I thought I was doing extremely well, two hours after my arrival, when I explained via google mail to an incredulous blogger that 'no, we had not had sex yet but were waiting for the bongs of midnight so we could have a simultaneous last fuck of 2008 and first of 2009'.

Ruf was busy in the kitchen doing all sorts of inventive things with quinoa, spices, and oats plus toasted brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds. (Vegan burgers with roast potatoes, roast parsnips, cabbage, carrots, broccoli and gravy for those that are interested and very tasty it was too.) The preparation and cooking, followed by the eating kept him occupied on matters non-sexual until almost nine o'clock at which point it became apparent that the chimes of Big Ben, that's the London equivalent of Dick Clarke dropping his ball in Time Square for all of you on another Continent, were too far away for us to wait any longer.

So we sat on the sofa and realised that there really was bugger all on the television that could pass as entertainment on New Year's Eve, with our dinner slowly digesting. It wasn't long before our thoughts turned to reminiscing about the fun we have had over the last year and some of the discoveries.

The lovely Jaiya was instrumental in helping me to discover that, actually, I can squirt. Maybe not in the controlled hosepipe way of some people, but there is definitely some gushing going on. If you remember, Ruf found Jaiya when he was researching female ejaculation and the small mpeg with her instructions gave him lots of things to try and helped me to learn to relax. My friend, Suzanne, had also passed on some great advice in one of her books about her tantric lessons and not chasing the orgasm, letting it happen naturally, whilst accepting that on some occasions it might not.

Snuggling on the sofa and laughing at some of the memories, well, one thing led to another and, soon, we were kissing and making out. When Ruf is in this mood, my clothes seem to melt away once he has made the decision and I lose all track of my surroundings as I become immersed in his desire. It wasn't long before I was naked in his bed in the next room, reliving all the lessons learned in a most dramatic way. To be with a man who has such passion, coupled with the ability to make me so totally relaxed and comfortable with myself. Who knows exactly what to do, what to say and which buttons to press to make my body achieve its optimum sexual fulfilment. Without the aid of my toys, he used everything we have discovered together to take me squelching to the edge and then reduced me to a panting, screaming, drooling wreck of femininity, quivering and drained in his arms.

And I just didn't care what I looked like or the sodden mess of the bedding, only that he took me to that place again, for which I was supremely grateful.

After a two hour interlude that seemed a fitting end to the year, midnight saw us back on the sofa in dressing gowns, surrounded by our discarded clothes, drinking beer and watching the Hootenanny before retiring to bed to celebrate the first fuck of 2009...

... and, yes, another gushing screamer.

I am such a lucky girl.


  1. Bugger the bongs - far better to follow your urges on these occasions. It certainly sounds like they led you in a good direction this time.

    Besides, if you'd managed to restrain yourself to bang on the bongs you'd have nothing to aim at next NYE!

  2. I'll say it again. Every post I become more envious of Ruf.

  3. Such a Lucky Girl...
    and Beautiful, too

  4. Glad you got to celebrate with the right person, even if plans didn't go exactly right - it sure sounded pleasant enough!

    Happy New Year!

  5. Pleased you got to spend the new year with Ruff and what a way to bring it in, I am envious...xx

  6. I thought the karma was feeling a bit off when midnight hit your area. I just didn't feel it!

  7. you are so lucky to have Ruff I think most of us girls envy you.

    I have something for you over at mine.

  8. "quivering and drained in his arms." I can't think of a better way to spend New Years Eve.

  9. Happy 2009 fucking!! I spent most of new years eve in bed fucking my girlfriend- we stayed in bed until 4p.m snogging n fucking, snogging some more, the best way to start any new year, or any other day really!!

  10. Sounds lovely - and all the more so because you call yourself a lucky girl to have what you have. Best wishes to you for 2009.
