Friday 9 January 2009

OverRated: The Material Girl

I watch them living their material lifestyle.

Money is no object.

Gifts from their lovers come out of their ears, a physical manifestation of an intimacy that they cannot articulate but are desperate to quantify. Both the giving and the receiving a way to demonstrate to their equally wealthy companions the depths and dimensions of their emotional commitment. Precious metals and highly-polished stones wrapped in their instantly recognisable boxes and distinctively-coloured mini-carrier bags. Or expensive artwork. Or luxury cars. All acceptable affirmations of their mutual desire.

Once I was one of them, counting my luck and my loveability in terms of carats in my jewellery box, revelling in the acquisition of electronic gadgetry and engaging in automotive snobbery. Moving from one undervalued gift to the next in search of some definitive proof that I mattered to him.

But in a world where material possessions cannot nourish or warm you, these days I prefer to receive my expressions of devotion in a different currency.

To half-wake in the small hours within the platinum circle of his arms; the flesh of his torso nestling me in a padded box, lined by the velvet darkness of the night. We are both enveloped in his gem-encrusted whisper of 'I love you' and the knowledge that what we have is more precious than any jewel.

Riches indeed.


  1. I'm with you.

    I'm glad that none of these women would want me because I certainly wouldn't want them; what I look for in life - and a partner - is something that money can't buy.

  2. Very well and beautifully said...xx

  3. Perfectly said :) Material gifts may show what you're worth in the marketplace, but to be shown, and to know, what your worth in other ways is infinitely more valuable.

  4. Amen sister. I have read a bit about your journey and thank you for the honesty for which you write. My kind lover / friend has plenty of things to spoil me with...I reject all of them (OK most) because for me it is about time and warmth and connection. 'Things' tend to be overrated.

  5. You've found the real currency of life...

  6. Very nicely written.


  7. I was just like you, Ms Cake... and like you, find that the most fabulous riches are the ones to be found in the envelope of his arms...

  8. For me, the fact that he wants to do things for me, give me things, is far more important than his ability to do so. The things are just things, and completely superfluous. The wanting to make me happy is everything.

    Nicely said.

  9. Beautifully said.

    You can be the richest person on the planet but a very lonely one. Give me love, understanding and companionship any day.

    We may not be rich in monetary sense but our relationship is pure gold.
