Monday 16 February 2009

Mute Monday: Love



  1. Love all these couples! Great MM theme. Happy MM to you.

  2. Joan Collins! Nice blast-from-the-past! Happy Mute Monday.

  3. Ooh...that Kirk/Spock soliloquy still brings a tear to my eye...

  4. Ah yes, Kirk had to let the woman he loved die! Duty before everything, Mrs Cake!

  5. Liz and there was a passionate, volatile couple. I love Liz...she's spunky. Happy MM.

  6. Is that signed photo of Joan Collins and William Shatner from your personal collection? If so, how cool. I ADORE Joan Collins. I WILL be her in my next life :o) Wonderful addition of Baz Luhrman's Romeo and Juliet, too – I thought it was a most excellent interpretation. Happy, Happy!

  7. Liz and Burton were something! Such passion there.

  8. Great! Romeo and Juliet..sigh.
    Happy MM!

  9. I love The L Word...happy sigh....

    Great pics and take.


  10. Can I add a couple?
    I would like to add Buttercup and Westley. sigh. Great MM.

  11. Thanks everyone. Sadly, not my signed photo. I wish! Duty before love is a well used theme in lots of romantic drama. Sometimes it all comes right in the end and sometimes not. I can only hope that in my own case, it will have a positive outcome. Liz and Burton were a big feature of the romantic moulding of my girlhood. Their tempestuous romance and the onscreen partnerships were immense but they just couldnt live together, no matter how much they loved each other. I put Amy and Blake in there as the warning sign because it takes the whole tempestuous thing to its possible destructive consequence.

  12. The Spock/Kirk thing was one of those Boys Own friendship where love can be a dirty word with its sexual connotations.

    Buttercup and Westley were not two names that immediately sprang to mind as I think we may be of different generations :P but I do see what you mean :)
