Monday 23 March 2009

Mute Monday: Space

And, after Star Trek, my favourite Space series of all time - and certainly the one with the best music:



  1. Love the theme of my favorites!

  2. Excellent variety. From the funny to the really scary.

    happy Mute Monday!

  3. Lumbergh was in Crusade? I will have to rent that from Blockbuster--if there still IS a Blockbuster when I get around to it...

    I have a lot of nostalgia for "Lost in Space"...I am sure watching it now would be like watching the Sixties "Star Trek"; I would wonder why I was so enthralled by the paper mache' sets and the robot that practically had a tag that said "Hoover" on it.

    The villain as I recall was delicious--seemed like he was a frustrated Shakespearean actor and finally got a change to chew the scenery.

    Speaking of frustrated Shakespearean actors, I hear they are going to remake "Dark Shadows"--I remember racing home from the swimming pool to watch that on my bike. Probably isn't as good as I remembered...

  4. So do you care about the new Star Trek movie coming out this year? I just saw a preview for it the other day. Happy MM.

  5. I bet you were pretty happy when you saw this theme, hmmm?

    Event Horizon has a pretty cool cast... and I never heard of it.

    Nice choices. Happy MM!

  6. I have to get more with it with these Sci-Fi shows – they all look so excellent. But I do think I've at least seen every episode of the first Star Trek! Have a happy Mute Monday!

  7. i actually think 2001 is scary. scary long ass movie! hal is my favorite space bad guy. happy MM!

  8. Thunderbirds! I suppose you must have fancied Virgil, as most of the girls did. I wonder if any women liked Baldy Hood?

  9. I was actually expectin it to be all Star Trek.

    Happy MM.

  10. Happy Mute Monday! ;-) I would have expected nothing less!

  11. Ah Lost In Space, never missed it.

    Well done. Happy MM.
