Thursday 30 April 2009

HNT: Sex and plumcake

Mendicatus tagged me because he said I need to be reminded how sexy I am. Thank you, you sweet man x

So, I have to list five things that are sexy about me. It's difficult because I don't feel particularly attractive at the moment but I have to try to get out of that mindset. Fortunately, I do have people around me who, despite my reticence, can highlight some areas.

1. When I asked Ruf to tell me five things that are sexy about me, he replied: 'Each toe', which was quite romantic until I pointed out that I actually had ten of them. So, I think I have to single out my sense of humour. I'm a great one for quips and the pithy riposte but, more than anything, I laugh a lot! I'm always trying to see the funny side, even when things are particularly depressing.

2. My smile. Now, when you get roadsweepers, dustmen, shopworkers, commuters, schoolparents and their kids all smiling and waving first thing in the morning when you're wearing an outfit that makes you look like a fluorescent weeble, you know you're sexy.

3. My fabulous arse. I kick myself for not appreciating it for so many years, especially now that Nature is threatening to take vengeance. So, I will continue to work as hard as I can on my glutes to keep the cellulite at bay.

4. My writing. I always loved making up fantasies in my head to while away the hours. I used to do it on the train when I was commuting or lying in bed on those warm snuggly Saturday morning lie-in moments. I find words incredibly sexy. I've even been known to indulge in some linguistic wanking (that is putting together the vocabulary for some erotic literary composition), whilst powerwalking or generally exercising. Anything to take my mind off the boredom of working those glutes.

5. My sexual enthusiasm. Once I'm excited, there is no stopping me. I will give you every part of me. All my lust, every fantasy, my body's responses will belong totally to you.

And then I looked at today's HNT and I wanted to slap myself for ever entertaining the notion that I might not be sexy :)

Outfit courtesy of:



  1. Damn right you're sexy! Though I'll admit I was hoping for a picture of your "fabulous arse" ;-)

    Happy (early, at least in my time zone!) HNT!

  2. Very sexy !!!! Sometimes we forget how hot we really are :) Loved the outfit and tyhe teasing mystery of the picture !

  3. You are quite delicious, and I loved the frosting you were wearing Ms. Cake.

  4. Very sexy. Very, very sexy!

    Happy HNT!

  5. Damn girl if there was anyone out there that didn't know you were sexy is surely convinced after clicking...

    lol@ toes

    excellent answers.

  6. WTF??? Gorgeous as hell Ms. Cake!!

  7. Oh, you've got sexy to spare!

  8. What about your thighs? They look pretty good to me.

  9. Oo, nice outfit, and really nice to see it fits you so well as most 'sex outfits' don't tend to fit the more petite of us too well. I shall check out the site.
    BG x

  10. You should slap yourself for that, you look damn sexy! ;)

    Though Ruff's answer was quite adorable and sweet. *grin*

    Great 5 too. I love the last two especially.

    Happy HNT!

  11. I've just done this one too - and you've won... you're way sexier than me

  12. Now that is some sexy plum lingerie and you!

    Happy HNT!

  13. You are terribly sexy! Great outfit.

  14. Lovely outfit Cake and very sexy indeed...happy HNT sweetheart and I hope you are taking care of you..xx

  15. All sounds good to me!!! :) Especially the sense of humour, most important, not always easy though, depending on what you're going through.

  16. love your list. you are most definitely sexy!

  17. You are absolutely sexy.
