Thursday 16 April 2009

HNT: View from the Bridge...

OK, ok, it's the view from the bridge of my nose :)

But I am preoccupied with views at the moment. I have to make a choice between a room with a spectacular view over the sea, one looking out over lots of green parkland and one with almost no natural light at all but which has a Brucie bonus related to my hobby which will mean that lots of my friends come to visit on a regular basis.

Decisions, decisions...



  1. Tough decision indeed. Good luck.

  2. I liked the view with the soft curves and valleys.

  3. I like the view from your perspective! Good luck on the decision making...

    Happy HNT!

  4. Eep, difficult one! From experience, if you are living in a small place/1 room go for the place with as much natural light as possible, it's surprising just how badly lack of light in our homes can affect us. Good luck, BG x

  5. I would go for light and sea. So theraputic! But you should go with whatever YOUR gut tells you is right. Don't be influenced by others too much! x

  6. I would go for light and sea. So theraputic! But you should go with whatever YOUR gut tells you is right. Don't be influenced by others too much! x

  7. Now that is a very delightfull view!
    regarding your decision, i would go for a room with a spectacular view over the sea.


  8. Adorable miss cake. Hope you have a lovely Thursday!!!

  9. And what a nice view it is...
    Happy HNT!

  10. Well I like that view. :) Good luck with your decision!

  11. Glad you've found someplace where you have such wonderful options!

  12. Looks like the view is of some mountains to me!

    Sounds like on the room selection you are a winner either way!

  13. I didn't realize this was a HNT at first. What's a "brucie bonus"?

    And what are "friends"?

  14. That is quite the view!

    Love the 'bow'!!

    Happy HNT!

  15. Sexy view you got there... if I looks sown I see something different *lol*

    Happy HNT!!!

  16. I'd be inclined to go for the sea view, but it depends on your priorities. My apartment has a dull view and little natural light apart from in the living room, but it fulfills all my other criteria. And you always have your own view to entertain you :)

  17. hmmm I would have said view and natural light plus the less noise all the way. But having your friends around a lot might be the best for you right now. Can you get any previews of your upstairs neighbours to figure out how noisy they are are?

    How terrible would it be to take the ground floor and friendly place now and then look into moving in a year\18 months?

    Best of luck.
