Sunday 19 April 2009

The Pleasure Ground

At the end of last year, one of my blogging colleagues had a brainwave. Why not utilise the eloquence and experience of the blogging world to start a dedicated site for sex toy reviews?

With so many opinions and such a huge variety of toys being reviewed disparately over the various blogs, why not bring them together in one place so the discerning purchaser can check out their desired object's effectiveness from all angles, shapes and sizes before investing their hard earned cash and risking failure?

I'm sure I'm not the only one to have two or three disappointing items sitting around in various hiding places that cost me in excess of £30 each and were used just the once because they didn't suit me, whether because of size, shape or just the amount of power generated. After all, it's not as if you can pass them on to anyone else if they fail to hit the mark.

And so The Pleasure Ground was born.

Just check the listings in the sidebar for the toy of your choice and click to get the various reviews relating to that item.

New contributors are also welcome, so if you have a review, particularly of a new toy to the site, please contact


  1. You are so Very Astute! I'll look often before we purchase.

  2. Are you going to review some electric toothbrushes, Mrs Cake? Whatever works is good, no?
