Thursday 21 May 2009

HNT: Kiss My Cheek

I love hitting bags.

Ruf's bag is in a corner of his bedroom and is a particularly heavy one so I normally need to wear gloves if I don't want to damage my knuckles, but the satisfaction of really laying into it can be very therapeutic at trying times.

He calls this type of lingerie my 'big pants'. But, in reality, they're just boy shorts rather than my normal skimpy thongs. They make training a little more secure if your trousers happen to get dislodged.

Of course, I wasn't wearing any trousers or, indeed, training really. Just enjoying hitting and kicking the bag to get rid of some of my irritation and frustration and then grabbing hold of it to still its frantic swaying before starting again.

Which is when he came into the room... and the kissing started.

I couldn't help but compare and wonder at the contradiction that is the two men in my life. The husband who refuses even to kiss the side of my face in greeting and my lover, who cannot resist pressing his lips to any of my cheeks.



  1. Hitting a bag to get out tension and frustration is a great thing.

    You make "big pants" look truly sexy, Cake! Well, IMO you make everything you wear sexy. :)

    You make me want to jump a plane to give you a kiss, RIGHT there....That is IF Ruff won't kick my ass too badly!

  3. Ohhh my!!! Lovely and sexy!!!

    Happy HNT!!!

  4. That is just absolutely insanely sexy right there.

  5. I love those shorts! You have a fabulous body, my dear!


  6. I am truly into big pants Cake or boyshorts to be more precise, not sure how I lived with them....xx

  7. For long may you have your butt kissed, Mrs Cake. And not just when the kisser wants a favour in return.

  8. Hitting objects to relieve frustration, I do that a lot. =)

    GREAT picture. :)


  9. Hot stuff! I kiss your cheek, or anywhere else you wanted, for that matter!

    Happy HNT!

  10. Damn! I have no other words ...

  11. Sigh...lovely, just plain lovely.

  12. As the wrinkles and age gets older by the day.....most people think what it is natural to age as people play their game of I.T. fun and what is the most fun thing to do....?

    most enjoy a social distortion story in tradition....but hey how much money was the smile on the teeth.....

    but as love sells...who really is buying outside.....a love.....poor the world enjoys a social distortion and social distortion principle....!!!!

    Most just get a story.....but what kind of story....? Or what story sells the most in this country?

    But who pigeonholes the best? while most play the same script.... on their traditional character they pick that win big promissory note of hot the pages....
