Saturday 16 May 2009

Poker Face

I wont tell you that I love you
Kiss or hug you
Cause I'm bluffin with my muffin
I'm not lying, I'm just stunnin' with my love-glue gunnin'

It was a song that got played a lot on the radio that weekend as we lay in bed and talked it all through.

Could we make it work without the added extra of the secrecy? Could we maintain the fun factor? Continue to feel the same desire? Was it possible for a proper relationship to continue when its protagonists were based in two different cities, separated by several hundred miles? Would our lust be doomed to sputter out and die?

We even mentioned the M word.

Sure, part of me would love to be his wife.

But I've already made a hash of it once so there are a lot of mental and emotional complications to dismantle. I know he worries that if I move to be with him at some point in the future, I will miss my children too much for our relationship to survive.

Yet, despite all these pros and cons, the relentless soul-searching, it is the laughter that I remember. I cannot hear this song without remembering Ruf standing over me stark naked; all hair and dominance, his cock still semi-hard and covered in the spattered shiny globules of my appreciation. And then this song came on and he proceeded to wriggle his hips and dance like some kind of pornstar, gyrating and waggling his giblets as I dissolved into helpless giggles. It seemed so very appropriate since he very much enjoys playing Poker.

It is premature to be talking about a long-term future together but we still have a fabulous past and one hell of a present to enjoy.


  1. I always thought that song was called 'Poke Her Face' LOL

  2. Oh God, you dont' know how I've had that song stuck in my head for the last 3 weeks. It came on one day when I was driving the Edgelette to a lesson, and she and I both bounced to the music. Afterwards, I asked her if she wasn't a little bit embarrassed that her 50 year old dad was jamming to Lady Gaga.
    "Umm, yeah... a little," she said, "but it's sort of okay, 'cos it's a cool song."

    Now it'll be stuck in my head for another week.

  3. Hi Cake.
    I watched and listened to the video and tried to imagine Ruff as you've described him, and it would have made me giggle too and always remember it as a great moment !

    Marriage thoughts ? Oh my.

  4. Too funny dear. Carpe Diem Ms. Cake!

  5. Lol that bloody song, I am sick to death of hearing it, but I can see why you like it ;)...a future with Ruf well that sounds like something worth thinking about to me...xx

  6. I will never be able to play poker with Ruf again without that image... :) x

  7. Is there a big secret going on where women are losing their sex drive,but love for their men as they stay in their own bathwater while people are fighting for nothing because they are fighting against Jesu due to NAMBLA passion or golden promiseland fortune while women go making a craft to be near him: I am self sufficient and can enjoy this person at get togethers..but my heart was stolen from me.....

    So therefore if he wanted a party with some women with drinks,etc the women knows he isn't gay....but due to social distortion and some disgruntled women over the years that wanted some agaping fun with their men: what happens::::some accordance of stupidity in mental dissillusionment.....a person was a mentally secure person with a indy sufficient edge while women go stolen heart.....I want to be near...but spiritual warfare is the new queer: NAMBLA.....

  8. How many people died in the sea because of this horrible epidemic that possessed america.....women are very disgruntled so instead they made their own money or barley while going a little loco: people fight because of what or too I can't have sex with my man because of what variability....

    This is USA culture now.....

  9. by who Baptists,etc.....

    being on the chain fence you know that carried out this horribility while a bunch of states really: how long now....

    at first women moved from towns because they were being followed...but now are swallowed in disgruntledment due to this loco while poor J.....inside funny he was made into a woman or she while staying self sufficient like successful women but yet people died in the sea due to this common mental disorder that made people disordered.....

    they go to church and serve...but you have to watch one person or play spiritual warfare or stay staring at the corner while going will my heart remember me over the years or two make barley or wine for the jeers......!!!!!!

  10. I think half the fun is in the considering of the possibilities.

    As "pop" songs go, I do like that one a lot, by the way.
