Tuesday 9 June 2009

Halcyon Days

'I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,' he whispers urgently into the darkness as he wraps my sleepy self in his embrace.

I love this subconscious part of him that murmurs sweet nothings to reveal the intensity of his desire, unhindered by any of the normal macho posturings to which men are such martyrs.

Snuggling himself around me, kissing the back of my neck and round under my ears, I can feel the passion building within him until he totally loses control. Suddenly everything is unleashed and I am washed away. Caught up in the tide of his lust. When someone wants you this much, how can you not be overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of it? And cling on to that memory when we are apart.

As he rolls me over and jumps on, spreading my legs wide and penetrating, my body expands to accommodate him. The wetness erupting and surrounding him as he pushes his way deeper into the tight folds. Holding me close and bringing us both to climax before we drift back into the arms of Morpheus.

Awaking in the stillness of a weekday morning, we make love once more. Slowly, gently, but with a passion equalling the previous night's more explosive exertions.

Some time later, he produces what has become our ritual energising breakfast of Yerba Mate tea and hot (soya substitute) buttered crumpets to replenish our reserves before doing it again.

And again.

How can I not wonder at the glory of this man's body, when it can repeatedly refract, recover and rekindle to match my own rampant, hormonally imbalanced libido?

So, when we lie there, almost sated, holding each other in the warmth of that special haven, we know we must be grateful for two lifestyles that permit us to be there together when everyone else is at work.

Especially with the knowledge that this cannot continue. The future is almost upon us and reality must interfere. The realisation that, for all its inconvenience, my situation meant I had the security of being able to take time out with impunity. As a financially independent woman, I will no longer have that luxury.

It is impossible not to appreciate our good fortune as we enjoy these halcyon days.

Joanna Cake gets her Yerba Mate teabags from:

Use Promotional Code SNM3112 at the checkout and get 5% off before 30/6/09.

Picture courtesy of http://farm1.static.flickr.com/35/71235286_f967974ebf.jpg?v=0


  1. Halcyon days aren't meant to last forever, are they? Even though you want them to? But even so you have a gem of a man there, and the love you share will get you through the less than Halcyon days.

  2. Have to agree with Jackie. Your man does sound like a keeper.

    He doesnt happen to have a younger brother or nephew does he?

  3. Are you a pay blogger these day? What the **** is yerba mate tea anyway? Whats wrong with PG Tips? I have pies on my blog. They are good for sex and whatnot as well... ahem...

  4. Jackie - I guess the halcyon days are the icing on the cake, most of the time you have to chomp your way through the sponge

    Mia - LOL, He has a couple of younger brothers. Naturally both are already spoken for :)

    Mutley - Nope, not a payblogger. Just throwing in a couple of affiliate ads for products that I use and enjoy. If Im going to recommend them, I might as well get a few pennies from any resulting sales. Yerba Mate is a herbal tea with health giving properties as well as a healthy dose of caffeine.

    Boxer - Thank you x
