Saturday 11 July 2009

Culinary Throwdown Challenge - Recession/Budget Meal

In response to the Troll's CULINARY THROWDOWN CHALLENGE, I submit another offering from Ruf, my Vegan culinary expert:

Basil-Laced Tofu Pasta



Basil-laced tofu (available from most good health food stores)


Vine Tomatoes

Tomato Puree

Bag of spinach

Fry some onion and garlic in a pan

Add the mushrooms.

Dice the tofu into cubes and place in the mixture

Chop up some vine tomatoes and throw them into the pan

Stir in a big dollop of tomato puree

Pour in a little water, followed by a whole bag of washed spinach

Boil some rigatoni pasta tubes in a separate saucepan until al dente and then mix into the other ingredients.

Leave to stand in the pan whilst you give your female at least seven orgasms and then reheat two platefuls in the microwave. This allows the tomato and basil flavour to really permeate the pasta, as well as earning you lots of Brownie points for satisfying two of her most basic needs.


  1. You are the kind of woman I like ... food ... sex ... food ... sex ...

  2. lol! also check out for recipe suggestions. Enter in your ingredients and it gives you suggestions.

  3. Sounds great except for the tofu.

    The reason you left it in the pan sounds even better!

  4. Outstanding. I especially liked the helpful hint at the end. The one about giving the basil time to really permeate the dish.

    Don't forget to say "I'm up!" at throwdown HQ.

    Not many played this time. Bad theme and date, I guess.
