Thursday 23 July 2009

HNT: Crossing the Rubicon

I have the keys.

Now I have to start cleaning...

... and sorting through three decades of accumulated stuff.



  1. Your new life starts as you walk through that door. May it fulfill you with happiness.

  2. You've done the hard bit. Good luck!

  3. Welcome home, hun - let this be the start of a fabulous new life for you!!

  4. So when are we all invited for the house-warming party?

  5. I think there's some 3 month rule, according to Oprah. If you haven't worn it, used it or needed it in 3 months, get rid of it!

    The worst is over, the best is yet to be!

  6. Best of lucks! Hope your life is splendid from now on.

  7. One foot in front of the other lovey!!!


  8. Moving into number 10? You can't do a worse job than Gordon.

    Seriously, I know how hard it is going through the best part of a lifetime's-worth of stuff, even when the memories are happy and not poignant. I'll be thinking of you while I'm doing the same thing.

  9. Congratulations on your new home! Thinking of you BG x

  10. I feel your thought, pain, angst... I am doing the same. this journey is hard but will be oh so sweet! My thoughts are with you ALOT... hugz (I just wish I had my own place.. I left and am with mom and kids! but at least they are supportive ... I am praying and sending good thoughts to you).

  11. Hearty congratulations! May it feel like Home before you notice it doesn't :-)

    Best of luck with the sort-out.

  12. With many thanks to everyone for their good wishes. It gives me such encouragement whenever I start to feel a bit down x

  13. Been there, done that, Hon. I was throwing things in boxes, and 3 yrs later still have not unpacked because I keep thinking I'll move again. Wish I could follow Oprah's 3-month rule. Maybe it's a 3-yr rule or a 30-yr rule? Wish I could be there to help, but we would just end up drinking wine and giggling. Hugs from across the ocean, my Love.
