Sunday 26 July 2009

You've Got the Love - 2nd Blogiversary

I first heard the song at the end of the second series of Sex And The City and, although Candi Staton has always been a personal favourite, I really wasn't too sure about this one.

Since then, it's really grown on me and I thought I'd share it with all of you to express my gratitude for helping me get through the last two years and see the light at the end of the tunnel. Since I can never remember exactly when I started blogging, I reserve the right to mark the occasion at some point during the month of July... as and when my senior moments permit me to remember :P

I thought the first year of blogging was hard enough, with all its trials and tribulations. However, on reflection, maybe this year seems worse in many ways because it was the denouement, the culmination of all that had gone before.

To everyone who commented or took the time to send an email of support, your words really cheered me up and have helped me to keep it together to the bitter end.

The next few weeks will see the start of Joanna Cake's Brave New World but I couldn't let this month go by without saying a huge Thank You to all my Readers.

You sure do Got The Love x


  1. Happy 2nd Blogiversary!

    I'm a fairly new reader and don't think I comment all that much. All the same, it's great to read that your readers have been so supportive of you.

    I'm looking forward to reading about your brave new world!

  2. I will Always be Cheering you on, form this side of the "pond"!

  3. That is possibly my all time favourite song in the world. I've seen Candi Statton perform it on a number of occasions, and it only takes the couple of drum beats at the intro to make the whole auditorium go wild.

    I find it liberating, and joyous.

    Many happy returns honey. You've been a brave girl to make the jump, and it can only lead to good things.


  4. Happy Blogiversary :) May the next year be truly wonderful! :D

  5. And here's to the Brave New World being a much Better New World! :-)

    Happy 2nd Blogiversary to you. It's been quite a ride ... but I can't help wondering what you'll be thinking when you look back over this coming year from the high ground of your 3rd Blogiversary :-)

  6. Happy 2nd Blogiversary! We started around the same kind of time I think so maybe it's mine soon too!
    the past couple of years have been really turbulent, but for me blogging has kept me sane and improved my life immeasureably. I hope it's done the same for yours and in a years time we'll be reading of how wonderfully happy you are in your new life
    Lots of love BG x x x

  7. Congratulations, Ms Cake, on this momentous occasion! I look forward to sharing the coming year with you... :)

  8. It seemed to me that you'd already reached the point of no return two years ago, Joanna. Best wishes for your new life.

  9. Well, Hope is what you've got at the moment, for your Brave New World, and lots of love from those of us who admire you, so all the best, and keep on with the inspired writing !!!

  10. My guess is that this next year is going to be one of your finest! But congrats on the first two!

  11. You are more than welcome my dear...
