Monday 17 August 2009

Mute Monday: Rock



  1. LOOOOOOOVE your "rocks"...but you rock above the rest baby (ok...twas a bit corny I admit) xx

  2. Nice variety. I really like the Star Trek monster. Whimsical.

    Happy Mute Monday!

  3. how do they get thos tiny little words in the candy? I love that. I also grew up watching Rock Hudson in movies and TV and still think he's rocky-hunk even today.

    Great picks, Troll has it right; whimsical.

    Happy Mute Monday!

  4. I like Dwayne Johnson a lot :o). Seriously, not only is he hawt, he seems like a helluva nice guy, too. Happy Mute Monday and thanks for the eye candy!

  5. I was wondering who was gonna do the people named Rock! Happy MM!

  6. Oh, no picture of the monster with the rock above his head? Kirk really never had a chance with this guy...

  7. SG - You can be as corny as you like, I never turn down a compliment, you sweetie :)

    Troll - I could have shown the monster that looked like a moving rock but what I was going for was the famous rocks in the background or, as Os said, the one where the Gorn is holding the rock above his head and throws it at Kirk.

    Boxer - Isnt rock fabulous. Terrible for your teeth but so clever. I did watch it being made on Blue Peter when I was a child. Absolutely fascinating cos it's made in great long lengths and diameters and then stretched out as I recall.

    Moi - I loved him in the Scorpion King and that pic is actually of him in one of the Star Trek spin offs.

    kmthway - Those were the Rocks that all immediately sprang to mind :)

    Os - That was the pic I wanted but I was pushed for time and had to settle... obviously if anyone can find me the one I really wanted...? x

  8. THem's fine Rocks, an' rock hard bodies--whoo-hoo!Cakey-Pie Girl!!

    FAB U Lous!

    Happy MM!

  9. Ahhh. The Rock. There's the one thing I miss about my kid no longer behing a wrestling fiend. ;-)
