Thursday 17 September 2009

HNT: My favourite part

If it weren't for Ruf and this photograph, my 'favourite' body part would probably never have seen the light of day.

For three decades I hated my bottom. I lived with the daily displeasure of having it follow me around. No matter how much I dieted, it just wouldn't diminish. It was massive. It stuck out. It was disproportionate to my frame.

It was of no consequence to me that a lot of men said it was a fabulous arse, I didn't believe. I just remembered that one comment from so many years before by a boy who knew nothing of these things. His verdict was that it was huge. And that's all there was to it.

It was not until Ruf took this picture that I truly understood the full glory that I had hidden away for all those years. The strong back, with its deep concave curve leading into the soft fleshy globes of my bottom all silkily highlighted by the warm glow from the bedside lamp.

When I was looking for an avatar for this blog, it was the only image that would fit the bill. My bottom would appear every time I commented and be seen by anyone who looked at my profile or the blog itself. It would try to redress the balance for thirty years of neglect. The first step towards learning to love myself.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

For those who are unable to mouseover click here.


Top pic courtesy of:


  1. It is fabulous! You should be proud! :)

  2. It is wonderful! What's also wonderful is just how much being able to read about you dealing with and confronting your body issues has helped me to the same with mine.
    Hope all still going well in your flat, BG xx

  3. You have a PERFECT ass. Oh my. I just want to hold it. Maybe even kiss each cheek. Yeah, that's what I want to do.


  4. Always wondered why you chose that cheeky icon.

  5. Yep, it's a MOST excellent pic. I can def see why it's your favorite :)

  6. You definitely should be proud of your butt, it's gorgeous!

    Happy HNT!

  7. Great ass! I bet it looks smokin hot in a nice pair of jeans! Happy HNT,

  8. i love your bottom, i love your arse, i love typing "arse" instead of "ass"!

  9. It's a bit small for my liking but the texture looks perfect. Who wouldn't want to sink his teeth into that peachy rump?

  10. Thank goodness (and Ruf!) that you've finally started to come to terms with the truth :-)

    Happy HNT!

  11. Very nice. :) And it's amazing isn't it? one person's comments from years ago can have such a lasting impact. I'm glad you've come to love it. It's fabulous! HHNT.

  12. That is one very nice view! That's an ass to be proud off :-)

    Happy HNT!

  13. Your bottom looks wonderful! Thank you Ruf. =) I'm glad you came to understand how lovely your backside is.

  14. A simply glorious ass. Perfection in black lace.

    HHNT! XO

  15. thats definately an awesome pic!

  16. Well, I'd say that's a great conclusion. Yup.

    Happy HNT!

  17. it's inspired me for years to continue those lunges. :-)

  18. I've said it before...That is most magnificent bottom.

  19. Your ass it beauty, perfection! Your spirit is amazing and your insistence on healing old wounds inspiring! Thank you for the pic and the meaning behind it.

    Greatest care!

  20. Thanks to everyone for all their kind comments x

    I am with Ruf this weekend for some further arse appreciation :)

  21. My dear, that rear, is to be revered...
