Thursday 8 October 2009

HNT: Natural Woman

Julia Roberts is a natural woman... and a very courageous one to expose herself to the paparazzi in all her normalness.

I wasn't in time to join in with the 'Flawed' HNT a couple of weeks ago but it certainly made me think. All the participants were so brave and I just can't hack it next to all of you.

I have come such a long way in terms of my body dysmorphia and anorexia but I've still not conquered it totally.

There were two more pictures in this series but I deleted them because I loathe any sign of blubber on my body. My rational brain tells me that it isn't fat. It's just where I'm bent double. In order to be able to stand up again, there has to be some extra flesh but, over the last few years, in common with other ladies of a certain age, including Julia, the texture of that skin has become less elastic and I hate it.

Ruf laughs at me because most people wouldn't even notice, but I'm just not ready for that area to be scrutinised by all and sundry. And yet, I am now confident enough to allow him to photograph me in ways that I never could have three years ago.

I wander around his flat totally naked, without any inhibitions or concerns, because I am so confident in his desire for and approval of the body that once caused me so much disgust.

And every so often, I catch myself humming:

Non-mousers should click here



  1. Exposing yourself like this is always very brave, and it can be incredibly daunting - HNT is supposed to be fun but it isn't always! For what it's worth, I think you look gorgeous :)

    ---Amy xxxx

  2. We girls often grow up with body issues. I love that Ruf has you now so full of love and confidence that those issues just dissipate into thin air - where they should be.


  3. You are beautiful through and through :)

  4. u look excellent.
    Those things you fer re called being a grown assed woman, and a Real and beautiful one at that.

  5. You look great and I am glad your man shows that he knows it. :-) Happy HNT

  6. Love it...flaws are what makes each one of us UNIQUE. Yep. :) HHNT!

  7. Forgive me, Joanna, for using this phrase.....
    My Friend, You Are Very Magnificent!
    As you know I fell in Love with your Mind a long time ago....
    No other phrase captures my reaction like this.
    WoHoo, Babe, if you and Ruf, ever call it quits, (Very unlikely), I'm moving to That Side of the Pond!!!

  8. Yeah. Yeah. But Julia doesn't have your boobs. I don't see much in the way of flaws. I don't see much with those distractions perked up to say hello!

    You're beautiful.
    No doubt about it.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Corny as it is, everyone is beautiful in their own way. You have a lovely body and a wonderful mind. Ruf is brilliant for wanting both.

    Happy HNT!

  11. lovely click-thru

    aretha ftw

  12. I admire your courage, but you didn't need to muster too much as you look gorgeous and appealing at any level. Thank you for sharing this.

  13. Good afternoon Joanna,

    Throw away the mirror and listened to Ruff. Your beautiful, allow him to to help you become more confident about it.

  14. You are very brave, hon. xo

  15. You look as great as Julia .. and we all know she is hot.

  16. I see only beauty there, as I see only beauty when H. walks around the house naked. Ruf is a lucky man!

  17. You are bloody well lovely...You shouldn't feel anything but pride in your body.

  18. i once had body issues.. now.. i dont care.. if you dont like it dont fucking look is wha i tell people.

    you are beautiful.. embrace yourself.

  19. I think your body is lovely, but I think most women have body issues even if they are in their own mind! :)

    Confidence comes with a man who loves your mind, body and soul and thats the best way of getting over those issues, and Ruf certainly does that...

  20. you look fabulous and you are right it is just skin. I grew up thinking along your lines too. I still have a hard time when hubby says something in a joking form but it makes me think - am i fat? I get it.

    you do look amazing though and the love and lust of a man can help - can't it.
