Monday 19 October 2009

Mute Monday: Authors who fill my bookcase

For more on the Morland Dynasty books by Cynthia Harrod Eagles

For more on the many faces of Jean Plaidy



  1. Mostly female writers that I have not read with the exception of JK Rowling. Haven't read Gene Roddenberry either but I sure do appreciate his work.

    Happy MM!

  2. grrrrrrherhahahaha!~ i knew youd fit star trek in there somehow. good work! and happy mm. *nice ass*

  3. Someday, I'll be the only person on the planet never to have read Rowling or seen the movie-adaptions!

    Happy Mute Monday!

  4. I've never read the Harry Potter books. I own the first one but never seemed to be able to get into it. I've seen all the movies though and enjoyed those! LOL


  5. Well, I know of one (wherein I seem to join Troll, if under my own bridge, but it's sturdy and similar), and I have seen another in film. You and K9... Obscure and flirty even. Sheesh, get a room already. :p

    Happy Mute Monday!

  6. I love Phillipa Gregory!!

    Very cool look inside the Cake's life

    Happy MM!

  7. J.K Rowling...I am going to miss new Harry Potter books. Guess I'll just have to wait for the new "Robert Jordan" volumes to come out.

    Happy MM!

  8. I've never read any Harry Potter books but I've seen the first few movies with my nephews. Mr. Boxer has the Star Trek books on his bookself! He's a Trekkie. Happy MM!

  9. Good afternoon Joanna,

    I enjoyed the Potter books, They are fun read. I haven't read the others, may take a look for them.

    Happy Mute Monday

  10. Jean Plaidy is Victoria Holt, right? I gobbled up her books when I was a teenager – all those fun "Gothic" romances. I still remember the plots! Thanks for the memory-jogging and Happy Mute Monday!

  11. I havent heard of many of these female authors either. Excellent idea, coming from your own bookshelf and all.

    Happy MM!!
