Monday 30 November 2009

Mute Monday: Travellers



  1. We get to Travel this week. Taking the Family to Hawaii. Even the 9 month old Grandson. None of us have ever been there so we should have some fun.

  2. Excellent pics. Gypsy ponies rock!

    Happy MM.

  3. I have this fantasy of ditching every thing I own and living in a RV for a year. Of course, I'd need internet service.

    I watched the new Star Trek this weekend and thought of you!

  4. Q was definitely a traveler. Gypsies and RVs are kind of the same aren't they?

    Happy MM!

  5. Hey, a post with my favorite horses (Gypsy Vanners) and my favorite dawgs (pit bulls)! Happy Mute Monday!

  6. Ahhhh. The nomadic life.

    Happy Mute Monday!

  7. We LOVE the movie Snatch! Brad Pitt as pikey! Great take on the theme and happy MM!

  8. no way! We have some similar, Cakey-Pie

    Hilarious to see the truck loaded so large.

    The RV shot gives me the willies--cain't go that way. eehhh.


  9. Love the phone booth one! :)

  10. Polar - Have a great time!

    Troll - Im more interested in gypsy studs Im afraid :P

    Boxer - In theory it sounds good but Im not so sure in practice... I must ask if I can get the new ST dvd from Santa :)

    Buzz - Im not sure where Q actually lives :)

    Moi - Over here pitbulls get a very bad press as they tend to be owned by males with an inferiority complex and want to be seen as Bill Sykes type characters so they buy the same dog.

    Ree - As I said to Boxer... in theory :)

    Aunty Belle - As I said on your blog, I actually typed in bedouins... and there were the Three Kings, a trio of the world's most famous travellers.

    Pam - As I said to Troll, Im loving Mr Pitt as the gypsy stud :)

    Vixen - That's not a telephone box, it's a police box! In the fifties, there were lots of them dotted around the country but you never see them these days. In reality it's the Tardis and that is our beloved Dr Who :)
