Thursday 31 December 2009

HNT: 2009 Favourite

As usual, I struggled to select just one favourite so, as I always like to have my cake and eat it too, I give you a top three. Compiled through close consultation with Ruf and involving the input of a couple of fervent admirers.

Next week will see the start of Joanna Cake's Brave New World. The beginning of a journey that I hope will allow me to become a woman of independent means.

I shall be working very hard, but doing something for which I have developed a huge passion and so I crave your indulgence if, now and again, I lose the plot and things get a little intense.

Thanks to all of you for sticking with me and here's to the new decade!

Onwards and Upwards x



  1. Lovely top three, I like them all!

    Hope the new decade brings all you wish for - onwards and upwards, indeed! x

  2. LOVE the first one but all three are beautiful!

    Happy New Year to you and Ruf, I'll always read what you write!

  3. I didn't discover your blog until part-way thru the year, so it was especially nice to see pictures I never saw before! I especially like #2 :-)

    Happy New Year!

  4. All were very nice, but one was exceptionally good


  5. Very nice pictorial selections.

    The term "Woman of Independent Means" dates from the First Century
    and was used to describe Mary of Magdala among others.

    Mistranslations of another somewhat similar Greek Idiom for "prostitute" gave rise to the mistaken notion that Mary was a prostitute.

    Good luck with your Independent Means project!

  6. Jackie - Thank you x And the same to you!

    nitebyrd - As I said on your blog, 2009 was a year of flux. A clearing of the decks so that 2010 can be a springboard for the future. Let's hope in 12 months time, we can look back to these posts and see them as the first step x

    Hubman - If you've got a spare moment and you're that keen, my HNTs are all listed together if you click on hnt in the sidebar :) Some are mouseovers and some are click thrus... but all require at least one hand to be on the mouse :P

    Marquisdgore - Hello and Thank you! Look forward to hearing more from you in the New Year :)

    Trolly - Isnt it terrible that a woman could only be considered independent if she earned her money in that way? Earlier in the year, I had to struggle to prove that I was a 'woman of independent means', just to be able to rent my flat! After nearly three decades being a housewife who ran the domestic finances through a joint account, that turned out to be very difficult.

    Can I just point out that Im not planning to put a red light over the door...? Well not just yet anyway :)

  7. all three are good but I like #2 best I think

    heres to a bright new year for you

  8. Great selections! I hope the new year continues to be the upward ride you deserve!

  9. Great pics.
    You do have a fantastic body.
    Here's to financial independance and a Happy New Year!

  10. They're all good, Joanna. I wish Ruf stamina for 2010, it's looks like he's going to need it.

  11. Cool (I'm very impressed when bloggers know how to do things like that!)

    #1 is my favorite.

    Happy New Year, Joanna!

  12. All great picture - especially the first and the third. Happy New Year, Joanna!

    xx Dee

  13. Wonderful Selections!!!
    As I write this, it is nearly Midnight for you.... Happy NUDE Year....oh that's 'spose to be Happy New Year!!!
    To you, my Favorite Blogger, and Wonderful Friend!!!
    (no they don't allow spiked treats here at work)

    Your Friend,

  14. All are good, but I have a thing about for me it's #3
    Looking forward to the new years posts

  15. #2!!!!


  16. I couldn't work out what was so special about 1, 2 and 3 - then I accidentally dragged my cursor over the photos. Duh. Dumdad indeed.

    Bonne Année!

  17. Very cool. It took me a while to know that you had to run the mouse over the number to see the pic. I'm a bit slow today.

  18. Nice....very nice.

    I hope 2010 is one of your best.

    Happy New Year

  19. what a year!!!! Thank you for sharing it with us dear


