Thursday 17 December 2009

HNT: Christmas Tree

If you look really closely, you can see my Star Trek Christmas tree decoration on the right. I think it's meant to be Dr McCoy but it could also be Mr Spock...

I'm waiting for Ruf, who will be arriving on Monday to stay for a few days and we will be able to be together for a few hours on Christmas Eve morning and then meet up again on Boxing Day afternoon.

It's not Christmas Day together, because that still belongs to my children, but it's as close as we're going to get for a few years yet.

For the first time, he gets to see my Christmas Tree and I can drive him round to gawp at all the over-the-top festive decoration extravaganzas in the area. Not that we need to go too far because the house next door has a whole herd of reindeer grazing in their front garden and the building itself is so festooned with lights that I don't actually need to put my own on.

He says he feels like a love-sick puppy... so I'm guessing he must be looking forward to it as much as I am.

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  1. Squee! I'm so happy for you :) Hoping you, Ruf and your family have a wonderful Xmas BG Xx

  2. Ohh Joanna - I am happy this arrangement came together for you all. YOU look divine there lounging in your corset...

    Enjoy baby!!

    XO HHNT!

  3. While I love Star Trek I hope it's okay I didn't stare as long at the tree shot as the other one which was much more pleasant on the eye . . . Happy HNT!

  4. "ohhhhhh" is what came out of my mouth as the mouse went over. So excited you get a visit... everyone needs something to look forward to

  5. Thanks for the visit and comment on my photoblog! you model?!?!

    Happy Holidays!

  6. BG - Wishing the same for you and try to stay in one piece!

    SG - Thank you x

    Mark - Hello and Welcome. Im an ST fan, as you will see if you visit any of my Mute Mondays :)

    13m - thank you x

    Barefoot Dreamer - It's really exciting. I cant wait to see him again :)

    Kurt - Hello! Your site was very interesting. As to the modelling, lmao, only for the blog :)

  7. It's good you'll get some time together on Christmas Eve. Enjoy yourselves!

    You look as lovely as your tree!

    Happy HNT!

  8. Love that corset!
    Very Christmas-y.
    It's going to be a great holiday for you both.

  9. Can I take you down and open you up? ;) HHNT!

  10. Gorgeous as always! Happy HNT and a merry christmas and a Happy New Year to you and all yours! Hope you have a wonderful time my dear you deserve it!

  11. I think your legs would have caused McCoy to raise both his eyebrows. Do you remember him saying "When I peek, it's in the line of duty"? That was a great line.

  12. My best wishes for upcoming Christmas, Miss Cake. I hope you can enjoy every minute of it.
    I do not know whether you are interested in photography? The German magazine Stern has a photo community and one categorie is "Akt". You probably may find it interesting.

  13. Glad its all working out!!

    Pic is stellar for sure!

  14. You look great in your corset! Now that I think of it, Veronica might have the same one...

    Happy HNT!

  15. Very lovely. You are a true Christmas decoration, Happy holidays.

  16. Very lovely tree. (and an even lovelier corset). Happy belated. :)
