Thursday 10 December 2009

HNT: Lady in Red

The lovely people at sexy-girls lingerie sent me this little beauty for Christmas. The pants were a little generous but I think the rest of the ensemble shows off my assets rather well.

However, despite some frantic searching, Ruf just couldn't lay his hands on a Santa hat to complete the outfit.

It was a wonderful weekend. The sex was just amazing but, more than that, it was the intimacy.

You just know that a man is in love with you when he admits that, when he went to the football match with the lads as usual on Saturday afternoon, he found himself thinking about the morning's activities and wishing he was with you rather than focussing on the game in hand.


I've always known my place in the three Fs - Football, Food and Fucking - but things seem to be changing.

And when you are loved by a man who isn't embarrassed or afraid to tell you that he does, it feels like the most brilliant thing in the world. My self-confidence has sky rocketed and, sometimes, I feel as if I must glow with happiness.

He even commented that when we went out on the Saturday night, I sparkled.

It's not so much that I have been validated by a man, more that I feel genuinely appreciated, both by him and the other people around me.

What more could a woman want for Christmas than the return of her self-respect?

For non-mousers click here



  1. What an absolutely beautiful post to read. Congratulations on having a guy like that who loves you.

    Sexy pic, too. :)

  2. What a wonderful post! Ruf is a treasure and he's obviously found his treasure. You look lovely!

    Happy HNT!

  3. Simply fabulous! You go girl! My heart soars for you.

  4. Lovely pic. Sexy but coy.

    I'd choose fucking over football and food most of the time.

  5. So happy for you. I know this time of year has it's ups and downs for many of glad you are finding contentment. YOU in THAT outfit, I am surprised he ever leaves the house...


  6. Nice to hear those thoughts from you. Now, do I prefer you in red ... or in black ... let me see ...

  7. That has to be the sexiest outfit I have seen you in yet...and hats off to Ruf...

  8. You have moved ahead of footie. Wow! This is beautiful.
