Monday 14 December 2009

Mute Monday: Star Men



  1. I thought, "Oh, this mute is perfect for Joanna" and I came here thinking I knew exactly what you were going to do. I was partially wrong. That's one of Bowie's best songs BTW.

    Happy MM!

  2. Somehow I knew you'd do this!
    Happy MM!

  3. Great selections. Never heard that Bowie song before.

    Happy MM.

  4. I was thinking Star Wars or similar but I like the direction you took with this! Great job. And happy MM!

  5. I must admit I was very tempted just to show pics of all the Star Trek incarnations but, you know me, I hate to be too predictable :)

    Troll, as Buzz says, it's one of Bowie's best!

  6. PS, I loved Buzz's take but I still cant comment on his site :( Im always Colonel Mustard when I play Cluedo!

  7. oh Cakey-Pie Chile', this theme wuz made fer ya'!! know ya' had fun puttin' this one together.

    Happy MM!

  8. Good morning Joanna,

    Well done, quite a variety. Now if you could only tell me where to pick up one of those Dr. Who phone booths, I would be all set.

  9. Shame on you, Karl! It's a police box not a phone box... and you dont see many of either around our streets any more.

  10. Great choice of pictures and song!

    Happy MM!

  11. Ack... how did I make that mistake! I knew better. Your right it's hard to find either one these days.

  12. Hehe, love the star man pics. :)

  13. Mark Hamill, poor boy, whatever happened to him? Didn't Carrie Fisher recently call him a pip-squeak?

  14. MrB, She did indeed! Like her, I always preferred Han Solo.

  15. Joanna
    Not sure why you can't leave comments. Your the only one (that I know of). I can't view your site, vixen's or see any YouTube videos when I'm in the office (behind the firewall). I have to wait til I get home. Maybe it's something with your connection. If you leave messages here (I know it's a pain) I'll get them.

  16. dang, I'm late. But great job. "Star Men" - Buzz Kill is right, this Mute was perfect for you. Happy (late) MM!
