Wednesday 6 January 2010

Culinary Throwdown Showdown - Leeks

Troll's Culinary Throwdown Showdowns are legendary, with offerings from around the world.

This is another one of Ruf's vegan gems, which should be served as an accompaniment to something spicy because it's quite sweet.

Leeks and Carrots

Peel and slice the carrots into rounds/coins.
Steam til 'al dente'

Meanwhile top and tail the leeks and then slice into rounds.
Wash carefully to remove any sediment from between the pieces.
Fry in olive oil until soft.
Add ginger, lemon and a little of the carrot steaming water.

Add the carrots and simmer to reduce and thicken the liquid.


Go over to LaLa Land for more leek-based recipes.


  1. Sounds delicious. Guessing the lemon-ginger mixture forms sort of a glaze? Happy Throwdowning!

  2. Good morning Joanna,

    This looks very tasty indeed.

  3. Ooooooo, I like the sound of this. Simple, but also bursting with fresh veggie flavor. A great side dish. We don't get a lot of those in this challenge, so good job!

  4. deceptively simple, very nice, thanks!

  5. YUM. I love lemon and ginger. That sounds delicious. I will definitely try this one.

  6. I would have never thought to have combined the two but it sounds dee-lightful and simple, Joanna!

  7. Half-and-half leeks and onions for soup that is much more than mere onion soup. It's fabulous.

  8. Tell your Ruff there are MANY vegan/vegetarian options out there for this Throwdown. I've already printed out several and yours is my latest.

    I'm glad you're in for this and if you want to see how NOT to cook leeks..... come on over. :-)

  9. I was originally going to go with a leek vegetable side dish. Braised leeks with a viniagrette but went in a differnet direction instead. I'm always looking for a different way to do carrots (other than steamed or candied) and this sounds like it. Nice recipe.

  10. mmmmmn! Lovely accompaniment to lots of meat dishes, but I can see it too as a vegan jewel.

    I went Moroccan with lamb, bu it could be a complete vegan wifput the lamb, addin' chickpeas.

    But, Cake, no Trekkie leeks?

  11. Cake: I did my version of a British classic! Your dish sounds like something I can easily make!
