Thursday 14 January 2010

HNT: Bottoms Up

Hey Guys!!!

Come and see more like this at my new domain over at:

"Why do you insist on viewing the anus as some kind of human USB port just waiting to have all kinds of hardware plugged into it?"

Mark Corrigan, Peepshow

Ruf fell about laughing when he heard this quote.

He always views my bottom as his own personal property.

He was first in there and it's almost as if he feels that he planted his flag.

Entering it has become one of his favourite pleasures, whereas, for me, it can be something of a trial.

Sometimes, it is the only thing that will really 'hit the spot' so to speak... and, at others, it can be excruciating agony that requires proper breath control to endure before entry is properly achieved and he can be accommodated in his entirety.

But, more than anything, just like Jez in Peepshow, Ruf likes inserting gadgets - fingers, thumbs, glass dildos, metal dildos, vibrating dildos.

And, providing I have something stimulating my clit, I'm not averse to it either.

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  1. I almost snorted milk through my nose at "planted his flag"....

    But who can blame him? It's such a great little tush!

  2. Hi Joana, lovely photo! Happy HNT.

  3. Still yet to "plant my flag" in anyone's bottom. It's on my bucket list.

  4. Dammit, Joanna, I hope you don't turn him into a batty boy!

  5. Agree with Os, great tush :)

  6. LOL
    well not being averse to it is a good good thing!!

    Awesome pic.

  7. That is a hot little picture! HHNT!

  8. lovely baby....

  9. Os - Oh, such a charming image :) LMAO

    Sugarmag - Thank you x

    BagMan - I tried to comment on your blog but you've got one of the ones that doesnt like my laptop. Im told there is something you can do by configuring comments at your end. And, speaking of your end, that's a fine picture :)

    Sam - Hello, isnt it lovely!

    MrB - I dont think that is EVER going to happen :)

    Vixen/Sage/Coquitten/SG - Thank you x Ruf will be thrilled that you all admire his photographic efforts :)

  10. clit at the same time - a must! agreed. or so I've heard ;)

    lovely bottom... hilarious quote

  11. Okay, that quote cracked me up too. And your photo is lovely :)

    xx Dee

  12. I think it is because it was always considered taboo. Now that we are older and hear that some women like it we just naturally get interested. Very nice bottom by the way. :)

  13. BD/Dee - Thanks for the bum love... LMAO. The quote comes from a UK comedy called 'Peepshow' which is quite hilarious. It's about the lives of two rather dorky guys who share a flat and their experiences with women, work and life in general. I thoroughly recommend it. Actually Im going to put an Amazon link to it on the post - which is what I probably should have done in the first place :)

  14. Gregorio - You just slipped through the net. Thanks for the input and the compliment :) I did come over but your blog has one of the comments pages that wont let me use it with my laptop. Is there anything you can tweak in your comments config in blogger?

  15. Well, I can certainly see why Ruf is so attracted, as it is magnificent...

  16. Love it, love it, love it!!

  17. Ahem, it's also one of my utter favorite places to plant that metaphorical flag, so you can imagine how I appreciated the photo.

  18. LMAO@that quote too. I have to say that to my husband one of these times :)
    Pretty picture!!!

  19. Ha! great Quote! And wow! what a nice ass you have!

  20. Genevieve/Mike - Thank you x

    MrN - It's Ruf's fave bit, I think. He loves having it pressed against him, even when it's freezing cold, as it was frequently in all that snowy weather we had.

    MrW - LOL, Well so long as you dont really use a flagpole. Ruf has threatened me with a chairleg... I think he was joking but...

    Westcoast Weirdo - Hello! Glad you enjoyed :)

    Violet - Welcome! I cant comment on your blog because it has one of the comments boxes that, no matter what I type or how many times I press to submit, nothing happens. Im trying a new mobile dongle next month which has a quicker load time to see if that helps.

  21. What a lucky man, to be the first and last.

    You've got me hooked.

  22. Hannah - Hello! Im now posting over at my new domain
