Sunday 3 January 2010

UnderRated: Making Life Changes

I just wanted to acknowledge the changes that I have made in my life and the encouragement I have received in those endeavours from some complete strangers, many of whom have become good friends.

On Christmas Eve, my statcounter hit 500,000 and I count that as one of my favourite gifts.

Thank you to everyone who has read and commented or sent personal emails over the last 2.5 years. I cannot even begin to quantify how much your support has helped me in that time.

But, more than anything, I need to thank two men in my life. The ever patient and wonderful Ruf, who has picked up the pieces and put me back together more times than I care to remember. As well as helping me to reshape my whole character to deal with the rest of my life.

And Softboy, an old friend, who has galvanised me into utilising my talents to support myself. Who dragged me, kicking and screaming, into the 21st Century by taking me to a seminar where I learned the rudiments of such a career. Who lauded and applauded my ability to write. And with whom I am setting up a business. More of this in the future.

It's amazing what the love and support of two really good men, backed up by a cast of thousands, can do to recharge a person.

This is the year that I will implement all those changes, so that I can look at the woman in the mirror and say:

'I like you'

With many thanks to the wonderful person who was the first to purchase one of my new affiliate products on New Year's Eve.

What a great start my brave new world!



  1. We applaud you and encouraged, because WE Knew you could Do It Wonderfully!!! (whatever you needed to do)
    We are still Cheering you on,too!

  2. Damn you, woman! That phrase about you being able to look at yourself in the mirror and say 'I like you' brought out the tears in me. It's something I've been struggling to do for years.

    Happy New Year to you. I hope all your plans succeed beyond your dreams!

  3. I hope this year is the best ever for you as you implement your changes and become the person you want to be. Go girl!
