Thursday 4 February 2010

HNT: The Secret of My Success

Looking back, I suppose any popularity that this blog may have achieved has always been down to the appeal of my fabulous arse, which featured whenever I commented.

This is really strange when you consider that I had spent the previous three decades locked into a mindset where I loathed it. But you people seemed to like coming over to have a look at it and spending a short while reading some of the ramblings of my hormonally-imbalanced, testosterone-fuelled, over-sexed brain.

When companies first began to approach me asking how much I would charge to allow them to put a textlink to their site in my sidebar, I was gobsmacked and just laughed it off. But then, I separated from my Husband and I started having to think about money. I needed to set in place some alternative revenue streams so that I didn't have to keep going cap in hand to him to supplement my own meagre earnings.

Accepting the advertisements seemed to be the most obvious thing to do. So, I bit the bullet, stepped into the Brave New World and asked the marvellous AAG to help me to set up my own domain so that I wouldn't have to worry about 'Content Warnings' which took the ads off the front page. *Pauses for a moment to allow the applause for AAG's handiwork to settle down*

*Numpty Alert* What I hadn't thought through was that my old place over at Blogger was actually pretty popular and had accumulated a large number of backlinks over the 2.5 years of its existence. It was these which gave it its value and not many advertisers were terribly keen to invest in a new site with a Page Rank of 0 and very few backlinks. Instead of winding down the old site, I found myself having to run it in tandem, whilst I begged and pleaded with all the wonderful friends on my Blogspot Blogroll to update their links and feeds to the new site - and thank you so much to all of you who responded to my plight so quickly x

It was extremely fortunate for me that the lovely people over at Kristen Archives chose this moment to put the new site up as their Featured Blog. Hopefully, some of my other linkees have received some bloglove as a result of the sudden influx in traffic.

Whilst the result of this has seen the domain's Alexa ranking move ahead of the Blogspot's level of Global 931,080 and United States 455,951 to Global 752,751 and United States 84,317, the data for the number of sites now linking in is not available and so, unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have had much effect on my Page Rank, which has stayed resolutely at 0.

Other sites show the Alexa rating for my old Blogger site at 1,195,636 with a Page Rank of 3 and 19,273 backlinks (the Alexa site itself shows the backlinks to be 123) and the new domain listed as only 2,497,755 with 9 backlinks so it's all very confusing as to which figures to believe and what else I can do to get the new site up to parity with the old.

So, this is the part where I need to beg and plead for a huge favour from my regular Reader and anyone who might have stumbled across my bottom as a result of the efforts of a Truly Lovely Gentleman today.

Basically, what I'm asking is if you would all help me to save my bacon conduct an experiment.

If you link to in your blogroll and send me an email at havingmycake [at] gmail [dot] com, giving your blog url, then I will link back to you - both here and on the old PR3-ranked Blogspot blog.

Another way to boost the rankings is to link to one of my posts within one of yours. Again, if you let me know what you have done, then I will return the favour on both blogs.

Page Rank's algorithm is based upon how many backlinks you have and the number of backlinks that those who backlink to you have. This means that, if we all help each other, everyone can benefit from a boost to their ratings.

The idea is to see how long it takes to regain my PR3 ranking on the new domain... and return a share of the linky love in the process.

The base we started at on 21st January 2010 was a ranking of 2,497,755 with 9 backlinks and a Page Rank of 0. It would be great to see what sort of movement can be achieved with a concerted effort and how long it takes, so I'm really hoping that you can help me out.

Obviously, if anyone else has any more information on other strategies I can employ, I would be grateful to be educated.

Because, as always, the true secret of any success that I may have lies firmly with you guys x

Please click here to comment over at the new domain.

Magnifying glass picture courtesy of:

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