Monday 20 August 2007


About ten minutes after I arrived, you called me and I realised from your distinctive jacket that I could actually see you standing about 20 yards away. I started to laugh and walk towards the firedoors as I answered the phone and told you that if you turned to your right you could watch my butt walking away from you.

When I got to the rain-spattered windows, I watched your reflection coming towards me in the glass and heard you laughing from the phone as well as for real in my other ear and then it went dead and your arms were around me from behind as you hugged me so tightly, I could hardly breathe. I pressed myself back against you and, I swear, I could feel you getting hard as you kissed the side of my neck.

I said 'hello you' and turned round to hug you properly. You lifted me up and I could feel your heart beating so fast and I knew that mine was hammering in my chest too. Would you still want me now that you had seen me, would I still feel the same way about you? When you remembered where we were and put me down I looked up into your big brown eyes and admired the long lashes and knew that, for me, everything was as it had been. Finally I had all the pieces of the picture in the right order and I could see you properly... and I couldn't stop smiling.

Then my phone rang and it was a friend asking me to meet her in the main hall and we went from there to the cafe to get breakfast. You sat yourself down next to me and I couldn't help but run my foot up the back of your leg, almost giggling with excitement as I could feel you pushing back against my toes. I put my hand down beside my leg so that the back of my hand was touching your thigh and I could feel myself shivering at the closeness of you. And all the while we were chatting away with our friends as if there was nothing between us at all.

After breakfast we went back to the auditorium. I texted you to tell you where I was and, after a while, you came over and stood behind me. I leaned back against you as close and as often as I dared without people we knew noticing. Sometimes my bottom brushed your thighs and it was such torture, I almost didn't do it again. All the hairs on the back of my neck standing to attention and my nipples starting to harden and when you whispered in my ear, I began to shiver. I say it again, how do you have this power over me. I clasped my hands behind my back and met yours under my rucksack and I could feel the waves of electricity running up my arms and down my chest, through my stomach and into my groin making me so wet. But the place was crawling with people and nowhere quiet to go.

You said, 'let's go get a drink' and so we left the hall and went back to the cafe so you could get some fizz and I could get a cup of tea - I wasn't drinking any more of that muck they said was coffee - yuk. There was hardly anyone in there and we had a table on our own just sitting opposite one another, looking into each other's eyes and recognising the longing reflected there. There wasn't any need to say anything, we had said it all so many times before. We both knew how we felt and that we had to do something about it, just to ease the frustration a fraction. But what? Where? It wasn't possible yet. I would have gone into the toilets with you, I was desperate to have you touch me but you would have none it... not like that.

We went back to the hall again and I was aware of you rooting around in the back pocket of my bag and finding a toothbrush head. You started to laugh because you knew exactly what it was. But then you had to go off because there was someone you had to see.

After a while, my phone buzzed and there was a picture - of my toothbrush, which I didn't realise that you hadn't returned. I came out of the hall and I could see you in the main entrance. I ran up, pulled at your arm and said 'let's go'. You looked puzzled but followed me out of the doors and across the road to the car park. We had to make our way up the slope through the flower beds and you took my hand to help me up and then, as we walked through the cars, you kept hold of it, pulling me in so that your arm was around me. It was getting dark and the car park was starting to empty but then you saw my car. It's hard to miss and when we reached it, you pushed me back against the side so no-one could see us. We were standing so close, just looking at each other and then you dipped your head as I stood on tiptoe and our lips brushed. I looked into your eyes and suddenly my body was on fire. My arms went round your neck and pulled your face towards me until we were really kissing. I could feel something wet on my face and I realised I was crying with relief. You kissed my tears and then returned to my lips, putting your hands on my bum and pulling me into you so I could feel how much you wanted me.

I unlocked the car and you climbed into the passenger seat and hauled me astride you as I lifted up your tshirt and licked 'my' nipple ring like I've wanted to do ever since you first showed it to me that night - it seems so long ago. I kissed it and ran my fingers over 'my' muscles and laughed at myself for enjoying it so much. I pulled my tshirt over my head and threw it onto the back seat. Your hands were touching my nipples through bright pink lace and then one was in your mouth, wet and pointy and aching before you released it and blew it dry. I almost screamed, it felt so good and then you did the other one until I was going mad with wanting you to touch me, to explore how wet I was, how much I wanted you.

That's when you laughed and showed me the toothbrush again. I reached behind me into the glove box and produced the missing piece all charged and ready to go and you opened my trousers, slid them backwards and just brushed my clit with your thumb through the lace. I couldn't help it, I gasped as I exploded inside. I'd waited so long and now you'd finally touched me...

And then the familiar whirring sound and you pressed the brush against the lace and I exploded again. Your mouth around my nipple, your hand working the brush. I pressed myself against both, moving my hips to find the best contact, trying to relax, to make the most of every vibration; feeling your other hand caressing my bare back, and then come round between my legs and your fingers were inside me questing upwards and finding it. Pressing it from inside and outside and my back was arching towards you, my hands were behind me digging into your thighs, gasping your name and savouring every last second, every last drop running out of me, soaking your fingers and your hand, shaking and trembling but wanting more.

I reached in front of me and unbuttoned your fly. Your cock jumped out into my hand and I felt you shiver as I curled my fingers around him, the way I had dreamed of doing for so long. I caressed his whole length and tickled the end with my thumb. I giggled as I watched it pulsate for me. But you hadn't finished with me yet and your fingers were pressing up inside me again. I leaned forward to push my tongue into your mouth as I tried to match the rhythm of your fingers with my hand and my tongue, trying to ignore the vibrations of the toothbrush cos I wanted to do something for you. Finally it was too strong and I had to stop kissing you as again you made me fly until I was panting and out of breath.

I pulled myself off your fingers and put one in my mouth and sucked it before I gave you the others to taste. Bending down to lick, as I cradled your beautiful totem in both my hands and massaged him up and down from bottom to top and over, from bottom to top and over, licking and massaging and sucking and feeling him getting harder and harder until I could take it no more and had to have you inside me, sliding onto you with everything so wet and hard and then pushing the vibrating toothbrush against one ball as I slid up and down on you.

You gasped for a change, feeling what I felt as the vibrations tickled at first on one spot and then took over the whole ball until your whole groin was so hot and tight. You snatched the toothbrush away and pressed it onto me and then started pumping into me with one hand on my hip pulling me down as you shunted upwards faster and faster, and there was only the sound of our united breathing and moaning and whispering until at last everything met inside me hot and wet and sticky and shuddering and wonderful. My arms around your neck, your hands round my waist, our bodies pressed tightly against each other and joined together so I felt whole at last...

And then we became aware of the time and that people had started to appear at the front of the building. You reached over and got my tshirt; helped me put it back on and kissed me as we both readjusted each others' jeans. We both wanted to say those words that are always there but can't be said but it didn't matter because we knew anyway. I slid off your thighs and jumped out of the car so that you could get out too. You kissed me and hugged me before we walked hand in hand back to the edge of the car park. You helped me down the muddy bank and then we walked slowly back across the road to the hall. I watched as you found your friends and slowly made your way over to the minibus, saw you wave as it drove away. But already my phone was beeping and you're texting me to try to arrange another day... And I cant wait, xx

Going through my stuff, I found this and, even tho it's a fantasy about meeting The Catalyst and not quite my normal style, I thought it was too good to just discard unread...


  1. oh no you spoiled it I was hoping this was how you first met Ruf. Mind you it was so very good that my mind was wandering off to the first time I met swinger. He seems to be in my mind a lot in the last week or so. Reading your words brought back the memories of how it felt meeting him.

  2. Sometimes fantasy is a good way of creating a vision for our future..... like meeting Ruf.

    I'm glad you didn't discard.

  3. I thought it was your first meeting with Ruf too...but you're right, far too good to discard, you really are a wonderful writer BG x

  4. Good for you, my dear! All fantasy has its base in something real...I deeply enjoy jerking off almost on a daily basis...I believe (and I hope this is not as pretentious as it sounds) that orgasm is theraputic. Recuperative. Energizing. Fantasy offers the same thing...And you are quite a writer. Almost lyrical, this post is.

  5. DAMN that made me hot. Time for me to go to bed me thinks!

  6. This was a twist at the end that was unexpected ... great story and don't discard it ... too good to be left to gather dust

  7. Good Lord woman I am going to have start sitting on a towel when I read your posts....LMAO. Seriously.....

  8. Wow! I think I may have to go off and sort myself out now. ;)

  9. Definitely too good to discard! I now have strange stirrings in the trouser department, and can't do anything about them for at least another hour!!

  10. Reading all the comments makes me chuckle, picturing everyone scuttling off upstairs with their hands in their pants! I know thats what i'm going to do.

  11. Quite frankly, Im shocked and appalled at the lot of you giving in to your carnal lusts like that when Im sitting here the picture of injured innocence in my ivory tower, well away from the temptations of any other phallicly shaped objects...

    However, I wil bow to public pressure and put up something about how I met Ruf very shortly :)

  12. fantastic erotica, really hot should get it published.
    very hot myself now!!

  13. Good Tuesday evening Cake !

    It was an amazing story. The chemistry was so palpable.

    The way you described how turned on you got, and then how aroused and focused and into it you both were - mhmmmmmm !

  14. You sexy, sexy vixen. Nicely written.

  15. Thats some sexy sex! i want sex like that! i suppose it's a good thing it was fantasy as it means i needn't get jealous of what i thought was someone's bloody amazing sex life! Well written aswell

  16. Harriet - Thank you... although I do also have a bloody amazing sex life with Ruf :P
