Saturday 18 August 2007

Wanking this weekend?

To all you wankers out there... you lucky, lucky masturbatory people!

It would seem that this blog has degenerated into navel gazing this week and it's all Ruf's fault. You see, last weekend, after he'd fucked me senseless for three solid days, come the Monday morning, we were both a little tired. But still he managed to rise to the occasion one last time, leaving me gasping and breathless by the strength of his pumping.

However, he hadn't finished pleasuring me, oh no, not by a long shot. As I lay there, close to exhaustion, he was reaching into the box of hedonistic delights and extracting toys. He turned me face-down into the pillow and demanded that I hold the wand stimulator against my clit. The next thing I know, the glass arse dildo that I love so much is being slid into my little starfish. He knows that I am putty in his hands when he uses that device... but there is more. This man loves double penetration and so, before long, my other best friend, the curved silicon dildo is making its way into my pussy and he's syncopating the two so that as one slides out, the other slides in, as that one pulls out, the other pushes in. In, out, in, out, the rising tide of my orgasm ignoring the fatigue in my body as he drags me screaming to my climax. Over and over until I'm begging him for mercy.

But, of course, he has a little revenge in mind. If you will remember, Tulip Time was where I asked for one more orgasm and took seven as he pumped manfully away for ages. Well, this time, Ruf was extracting his own particular retribution. As I shouted: 'Stop, stop!'; he replied: 'Oh no, I think we should carry on for, say, three more?'

And so he continued with his in-ing and out-ing and, despite my mind's frantic attempts to fight him, my body just kept on responding in the way he knows it must. I lost count. Was it three, was it four, was it five? Until finally he took pity, gently removed my playthings and flopped onto the bed beside me, smiling sheepishly at my shocked and dishevelled countenance.

'You bastard,' I whispered... with a sigh of affectionate contentment.

And then the rogue dropped his bombshell.

'I think, since we are seeing each other again in two weeks time... less than two weeks time... we should both agree to a wanking ban to maximise our pleasure levels when you eventually get here. So, no masturbating for either of us between now and Friday week.'

Given such strict instructions, I shall be a good girl, compulsively sticking to the rules and making and reading as few posts as possible that are likely to engage my less nun-like urges and turn me from the path of righteous abstinence - hence the sexless navel gazing of the last few days.

So, you can send me as many pictures of rampant penises as you like, torment me with tales of your sexual proclivities, but I shall not stray. My toothbrush shall remain silent, other than for the purposes of dental hygiene. My fingers shall keep themselves busy at innocent pursuits suitable for a chaste and celibate lady. I am a woman of uncommonly strong willpower. I shall not falter and the rewards in terms of pleasure come Friday will be delightful indeed.

But Ruf, being a habitual wanker will, undoubtedly, cheat...


  1. I need to know what penalty does he have to pay if he cheats?

  2. A man needs to conserve his jism, but why shouldn't you wank? A blogger recently told me that a girlfriend of hers can have an orgasm if her toes are sucked.

  3. Right, I've just been chatting to Hunk on the phone, so I'm now off for a wank. Thought I'd just tease you with that bit of info!

  4. I have three words for you:


    You need to get off. Two weeks with no orgasms? You'll go blind! No way he will be able to last that long . . .

  5. OMG....... All that fluid loss, you must be seriously dehydrated after a 3 day session like that. I am so ENVIOUS.....

  6. ....and you can also think about your up close and personal pictures for me. I currently have three ladies interested in your artistic proposition...

  7. I can only congratulate you on your completely barking idea. And hope you are not pacing the floor with a frantic look on your face and fingers clicking with impatience, whilst your cunt twitches!

  8. Good luck... the anticipation is everything!!


  9. Agree with Cherrie. Jerking off only improves sex. Lack of has a negative effect. We all need a daily cun or two My suggestion wack away

  10. LiR - The penalty? My amused sarcasm?

    gb - tbh, after that strenuous a weekend, neither of us should need/be able to wank for a week!

    Vi - thanks. I hope he gave you sufficient material for a spiffing time x

    cherrie - the voice of experience lmao. I must admit that come Wednesday, I will be getting extremely fractious but the pounding we both took at the weekend does mean that our bits really do benefit from some recovery time...

    gypsy - the man is a RAMPANT SEX GOD!!!! LMAO I hope he reads the comments on this post as I will definitely benefit from that compliment :)

    jackie - hopefully photos will be taken this weekend.

    pixie - I am so busy trying to tidy bedrooms and do stuff in the garden and keep up to date with all my regular blogs, Ive hardly had time to notice whether Im twitching...

    Dazza - thank you. I agree with you about anticipation.

    Mr and Mrs - normally Id agree with you but my sensitive bits seem to be enjoying the rest prior to next weekend's marathon :)

  11. I'll just be the voice of dissent and say that I completely get into the whole prior denial thing, and enjoy bouncing off the walls with pent-up frustration for days - and you get so much done! I'm quite sure I drive everyone else insane, but it keeps my masochistic bits soooooo happy.

  12. A man needs to conserve his jism...

    WTF, Gorilla!!! I am totally incapable of that, so I have taken steps to increase the amount of available spunk.

  13. I whole heartedly endorse the abstinence thing. I, myself, never* wank, and look at my creativity output! Admittedly everyone thinks I am a bitter harridan, but still...

    *may contain traces of lie

  14. Good Sunday afternoon to you, Cake !

    that story is seriously hot. I'd LOVE to find a man who would doubly penetrate me with toys like tat, and make me come and come and come, you lucky girl !!!!!

    And then to ban wanking. Sigh. He is a true genius of frustration and desire.

    Don't cheat, Cake ! It'll make it all the more fun when he finally gives you his raging hard-on again !

    Loving Annie

  15. I think it will be a real hoot ... can you imagine what you'll be like in 2 weeks

  16. good luck, mind you, i have never had a headache from wanking, x

  17. How's it going? Climbing the walls with frustration or coping well? I'd love to know whether its worth a try! x

  18. Ange - zen? Yes, that's me, I have taken meditation to a whole new level

    z - as you say, there is so much extra energy for getting other things done

    al sensu - i think you need to explain your methods...

    luka - *may contain traces of lie LMAO

    Loving Anne - I shall not falter from the path of righteousness...

    george - and that's the reason why :)

    wayne - are you sure you shouldnt have an asterisk referring back to luka's comment?

    n - i am fine. I have been using the additional energy wisely and now Im on the home stretch and can relax in the knowledge that I have turned the house upside down in my attempt to ignore my lustful urges

  19. Interesting. I think your gorilla banana friend knows a blogger who knows my Lucy!
    And you know that Ruf will toss out a midweek knuckle-shuffle, don't you?

  20. Where did you find this wonderful man, and does he have a clone?

  21. Nah...It's needless. The old saw about orgasm hurting an athlete's performance is what this smacks of. That or some kind of control from afar. Baby, you find your cum as often as you want. He'll never know the difference...and take it from me: I promise you he'll fall off the wagon, as we say in the States. He won't last a week.

  22. That's when I know I've done a good job: When she whispers "You bastard"!

    Opinion seems divided on this forced abstinence thing. I say 'Go for it' and wholeheartedly. The release os sexual tension can be amazing!

    (Said he, having had two wanks already today. lol)

  23. I think your abstinence will give you something to think about while you're going crazy wondering about his abstinence. Go for it. :)
