Monday 13 August 2007

The first time

The first time I did it was in the spare room downstairs. I'd been feeling sad and depressed for some months and it was calling to me, sitting there in the corner, waiting to start buzzing away.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. I knew other people did it and enjoyed it. Some people had positively recommended it for its benefits. But I was shy. Id never done anything like that before. I was scared I wouldn't know what to do, terrified other people might find out. I didn't know what it would lead to. I didn't want to get sucked in and involved.

However, one day I plucked up the courage and I did it sitting on the chair. My fingers hesitated over the button. I was aware of the heat coming off it, calling to me insistently. I could feel myself flushing with excitement and my breathing was becoming shallow until finally the desire was too strong and I switched it on.

The buzzing started, slowly at first and then louder. I could hardly contain myself as it burst into life. The warm heat began spreading through my body from the tips of my toes up to the top of my skull, making my skin tingle and flooding me with expectation. I was finally about to achieve my goal, the answers to so many questions that had been troubling me for so long...

... so I googled the words 'fussy bitch blog' and the rest, as they say, is history.


  1. I am so pleased I'd had a wee just before I read that! Not that that saved my keyboard from a coffee and brandy spray...

    There are two things that I have positively encouraged you to do and I'm happy to say I don't regret any of them. Both of them have brought home to you the truly lovely, sexy, smart woman that you are and I've never known you as happy.


  2. We can learn so much from history! And you have a good tutor!

  3. You had me REALLY going there, so much so, I'm about to get my actual 'buzzing toy' out now, cause I heart it so!

  4. TaDa ... 1 buzzy toy and your life will never be the same

  5. That got me!! very funny.... if not a little cheeky

  6. got me too
    but I suspect that the actual answer was far more life-changing than the one you led us towards first...

  7. I agree blogging is life changing if only that it becomes an addiction

  8. oh and Im glad you are friends with Angela-la-la I have met her a few times and she is one hell of a lady I only wish I had more time to get to know her properly.

  9. tease!

    so, do you think you are sucked in and involved yet?

  10. Angie - You are indeed the devil who led me astray lmao. Still, at least I encouraged you to start training properly :)

    Middy - Professor Lala, that's Angie

    Vi - please stop doing that with your joystick. I dont think it's waterproof.

    George - 1 buzzy toy? You clearly havent seen my toybox :)

    Pixie/Freddy - I wrote it a while ago when someone dared me to write about my 'first time'. I rather suspect he meant something else entirely but life in cyberland has been very educational for me

    LiR - Friend? She's not my friend, we are each other's chewtoys lmao. OUCH!

    Me - sucked in and involved? Of course not, Im only on here a couple of times a day. Ok, admittedly each time for about 3 hours and no housework is getting done and paperwork is building up around my ears but...

  11. You got me too. Now I have to wipe up coffee from my keyboard.

  12. very're lucky you didn't type 'saggy tits' because that's the number one search phrase that leads to my blog. Not that my tits are saggy of course, well no more than any other woman who has breastfed two nippers.

  13. And you were sucked into the blogging vortex...

    and there is no escape... heh heh

    Nicely written Cake

  14. You write very well... sexy and intriguing. I've recently started seeing a wonderful girl who is helping me explore all sides of my sexuality, so it's interesting to read your take and get ideas!!

    All the best,


  15. Ha ha! I like that! Think I might try it too!!!

    Been having a mega-browsing few days and I keep discovering new stuff.

    Thank you for leaving your profile pic in my comment box. It was a very nice surprise! And thank you for your vote on my story :)

  16. Yes, blogging is a form of craziness best left to the unaddictable!

  17. AB - apologies for your keyboard incontinence

    djk - thank you. Praise from people who get paid to write 'filth on the computer' is always welcome :)

    emmak - repeat after me 'women who breastfeed do not get saggy tits'. Are you deliberately trying to sabotage the NCT's anti-bottle campaign?

    fusion - it's like a matrix and I cant get out now

    dazza - welcome and good luck with your future explorations.

    toby - welcome also and the vote for your story was my pleasure. It was very entertaining.

    cherrie - im learning at the knee of so many mistresses of the art :)

  18. I thought you were on about hoovering ;-)
