Saturday 11 August 2007

Mirror, Mirror

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In Ruf's bedroom there is a mirror.

It looks just like any other ordinary full length mirror resting at an angle against a wall and yet, every time I pass, I have to stop to look and admire my nakedness. It makes Ruf smile as I preen in front of it but I can't make him understand.

The Magic Mirror has the ability to reflect a much nicer image. No longer do I see the blubbery old woman with the sad eyes and the fat arse who has been my counterpart for so many years.

This reflection gives an entirely different impression: a pretty, petite lady, externally so white and fragile, belying her inner strength and determination. Her pointy face is framed by a blondish brown bob and you are drawn into her startlingly big, icy blue gaze before being warmed by her wide smile of delighted excitement.

She has slim, yet strong, defined arms and shoulders softening into glorious pert handfuls of breasts with upwardly pointy nipples. Travelling down across a flat belly and on to the soft curling landing strip of light brown hair. Sliding down her lithe back and taking in that fabulous arse before moving over firm, slender thighs to toned calves ending in pretty feet with painted toenails.

With all my body image issues, you will need to indulge me and excuse my vanity because I like this woman. I just don't seem to be able to find her echo in the mirrors anywhere else.

Is it really just the view that Ruf has, magically transformed in the half light? Am I, somehow, seeing myself reflected in his eyes?

Could it be that this man truly loves the woman that he sees and is finally managing to communicate that fact with the help of a second image? The one where his strong arms go around me as I gaze, his face is buried in my neck and I feel like I am an integral part of him.

Whatever magic it employs, I like my reflection in that Mirror...


  1. oh I need that mirror

    every one that I look into does the opposite. I know damn well that I am slim with great hips and magnificent breasts, sparkling eyes. But the mirrors all reflect something else.

    they show the tired middle aged woman with sad eyes and a body enveloped in too much flesh

  2. For years I thought I was anorexic. I read in a magazine that when someone with anorexia looks in the mirror, they see someone who's fat. I thought, "A-ha! That's what I see. I must be anorexic."

    It took someone with anorexia to point out my mistake.

  3. This was absolutely beautiful, Cake. I've experienced similar mirrors here or there. Once, when I was making love to DG, I suddenly caught a glimpse of us in the mirrored closet door. I stopped and said, "God, I look beautiful!".

    Rather an embarrassing moment, actually (although we laughed), but I understand the magic mirror that reflects how your lover sees you.

  4. where can we buy them mirrors from, x

  5. How beautiful, I can understand you are mesmerised with it, and by it. And the magic part is that if you were to move it to another location, it probably wouldn't work the same way. Its magic only works where it currently is......

  6. You sound lovely to me, magic mirror or not x

  7. ah now I can see the picture properly the sun was on my screen yesterday.

    yes I would love to find your mirror.
    I have found that photos can be like that too if the person behind the camera is your lover it brings the love out in your whole bearing, whereas that is missing when it is someone else taking the pictures

  8. I prefer the image in front of the mirror rather than the refection

  9. When you are happy, fulfilled, loved and flushed with those feel-good hormones not only do you look beautiful but you will allow yourself to see it.

  10. The only reflection one sees is from the mirror in one's soul.

  11. i agree with Jackie ... location can add a certain something, and seeing your lover in the same view is a beautiful thing.

  12. Fantastic post. Amazing how some men can make you see the REAL you! A sexy woman!

  13. That picture looks exactly like me and you changing after training! :)

  14. I always thought that was you in your picture with the perky arse and those lacy black pants....Is it?

    Even if that's not you I reckon you are gorgeous and it's obvious Ruf thinks so too. Don't be so hard on yourself??

  15. Yes, the picture on the front page is me - taken, of course, by Ruf. It was the first time that I actually believed him when he said what a lovely arse I have :)

  16. I understand so well. It's so great that through Ruf you can see the beautiful woman you really are. BG x

  17. Any man who can make a woman feel like that is a keeper. Hold on and don't let go girl.

  18. One of the best reasons for treasuring lovers is the way they make us see all our good bits, including some we didn't even know we had. And if that's reflected in the mirror, even better.

  19. Great pic on your post, have seen it before and at the time thought 'I want one of those'! After reading your post I am thinking it again!

  20. What a pretty story. It made me happy. Thanks.

  21. The people who are truly worthwhile in your life love you for who you are, not whether you conform to any image of ideal femininity foisted on the public by the media.

    And that is the best mirror of all.

  22. very deep and poignant. Thank you for sharing :)
