Thursday 9 August 2007

Hannibal Lector Thursday

'I want to sit on your face...

'...I want you to slide aside my thong and lick me...

'...And I want you to put your fingers into me'

He laughs softly knowing the effect any emphasis on the next few words will have on me.

'You want me to finger fuck you?'

He pauses for effect before continuing:

'You want me to fuck you with my fingers?'

'Yessssss' the word comes out in a strangled gasp.

'So, let's get this straight. You want me to finger fuck you and lick your clit whilst you sit on my face?'

'Yesssss. I want you to lick me and fuck me with your fingers until I melt in your mouth.'

'I will see you tomorrow then...'

And with that he put the phone down, leaving me sitting in a puddle.

Until tomorrow... x


  1. Leaving you sat in a puddle? That sounds so funny and cute.
    PS nothing makes me come lika finger fuck x

  2. You're off Norfwards? Again?


    Some of us have a 3k and up seminar with SJ on Sat then students grading on Sun. Hence, no Sin. Obviously I'm relying on you to balance out my ridiculously good behaviour.

    Luckily for me, you're such a good mate that I know you'll cope... ;-)


  3. Give Ruf a kiss from me. Ah, never mind, just give him many, many kisses from you.

    Gorgeous, sexy photo, by the way.

  4. God now THAT was what I was missing with hunk!!!! There's another photo up, if you don't want to miss it this time!

  5. And you can stand this treatment? Poor girl

  6. i want to probe you with my probiscous, you will feel the suction of my tentacle. give me your phone number, and we will speak of these activities.

  7. Don't you love Alexander Graham Bell LOL

  8. Did you mop it up with a tissue or a sponge? It might be a suitable ingredient for a seductive new perfume.

  9. Hope when I am reincarnated I what to be a telephone

  10. Now don't you go giving me ideas...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. isn't anticipation sweet?

    S and I torment each other in the days before we meet
    sounds like you two do too

  13. I'm with you, finger fucking and just teasing for ever, keeping you on the brink, just like when we were teens and doing it in the cinema or back of car...all that stuff is very underrated. You're a lucky girl whoever the guy post!

  14. oHHHH that's cold blood mean!!! What were they getting out of the deal other than knowing you got off?

  15. Ordering pizza shouldn't be that hot.

    Is there a part 2, to this?

  16. Always good to have something to look forward to. But now I have the following stuck in my mind:

    "Sit on my face and tell me that you love me
    I'll sit on your face and tell you I love you too
    I love to hear you oralize
    When I'm between your thighs
    You blow me away.

    Sit on my face and let my lips embrace you
    I'll sit on your face and then I'll love you truly
    Life can be fine if we both sixty nine
    If we sit on our faces
    In all sorts of places
    And play till we're blown away."

    Which is marginally better than the Finger o Fudge song which is also trying to claim a corner.

  17. Sounds delicious!

  18. Hmmm, maybe I can get Hardin to do that while I leave comments on other people's blogs . . .

    But then would anyone want to read what I might write with his tongue wrapped around my clit?

  19. For Luka:
    Two fingers of Ruf is just enough to give the Cake a treat
    Two fingers of Ruf is just enough whilst he goes down to eat
    She's full of slippery goodness but very small and neat
    Two fingers of Ruf is just enough to give the Cake a treat
    (Composed whilst stuck in a traffic jam on the M1, refined whilst stuck in a traffic jam on the M6)

    Lady - I am just so lucky, lucky, lucky lucky :)

    n/vi/emmak - and I thought I was the only one... but this is nothing like the boys who tried when I was a teenager

    Angela-la - Coping womanfully with instructions :)

    Fille - Ruf is all embarrassed at being kissed there!

    George - there is method in his madness

    emmenemmanasta - Alien Sex? Well, I never say never

  20. Walker/Mr and Mrs SW - I am indebted to all communications innovators everywhere

    Richard - I did, I am, I will

    GB - Now there's a thought... Eau de Gateau?

    FC - I thought giving you ideas to share with your good lady was my raison d'etre

    Freddy - I love it. Im a sucker for anticipation. The long wait, the long drive and then...

    Andrew - Welcome, he loves to excite me, especially as we have to wait a long while between meetings.

    AB - Im not sure I can write the denouement... Im not sure I could do it justice :)

    BG - I did

    Horny - It was

    Cherrie - If you can translate those sounds via a qwerty keyboard, I look forward to it

  21. Sounding yummy to me. Yup. Puddles, indeed.

  22. oooooh, yes. He sounds like my sort of man!

    A tease ...

  23. I'll uncross my legs in a minute here.....
    Enjoy, as i'm sure you will

  24. I bet you were gagging for it after that little exchange of words!

    Hope you mopped up though, we've had enough flooding lately.

  25. well honey, you should enjoy all that, but if you where sittng on my face, and i wish you was, mmm, I may have a couple fingers inside, whilst giving you a good lick, bite, suck, mmmm, but you should have a couple more up are you backside, xxxx, mmmmm, and that would really be having your cake and eating it. mmm,

  26. That rhyming rocked! Loved it!

  27. ok fine you can sit on my face but you have to promise that you will let me stretch your sweetness with my ....well you know...
