Monday 6 August 2007


Oh my word!

Last night, my teen came in as I was viewing some blogs, so I closed down the top one with the naughty pictures and started to have a conversation with her.

Then I realised that she was staring over my shoulder at my screen.

There, in glorious technicolour, was my own description of lube and arse dildos - fortunately not the picture nor the blog title. So she has no way to know it was me that wrote it, only that I was reading about it.

'Oh', she says with a wry grin. 'Aren't you supposed to be the one who catches me looking at filth on the computer?'

Sooooo Busted!!! Sooooo Jimmy Carr!!! LMAO

However, I can't help wondering if it would be more traumatic to discover your mother reading about arse dildos or to learn that she writes about having used them...


  1. Bwahahaha!

    Must be the day for it, babe. No 1 Son has just told me he's not working tomorrow after all and has no plans to leave the house. I was meant to have the house to myself for the day and so had scheduled a, er, visitor.

    I think he has an idea of what he's scuppered, judging by my blushing and his look of disgust.

  2. That is hilarious hahaha...

    That must have been a tiny bit embarassing. Enjoy the rest of the week

  3. Could have been worse. At least neither option is as embarrassing as being caught using the glass dildo, or trying to take a picture of it up your arse to post on your blog.

  4. Angela! How dare you confuse my worthy attempts to spread anal love around the world with your selfish attempts to get your end away! LMAO. Never mind, hon, when you're a hugely successful florist and balloon bender, you'll be able to shove him £20 and tell him to make himself scarce :)

    Hot - Actually I think we were both giggling in a slightly embarrassed fashion. Fortunately we have quite a good relationship where sexual discussion is concerned. Shame the same goodwill doesnt extend to the relationship we have over cleaning her room... :)

    Luka - Im worried. That sounds like the confession of a voice of experience!

  5. This is very funny.... well, to me, of course. Not having been the one that it happened to. On the other hand, I did have a curious child say one time "Who is Bob (name has been changed to protect the horny)?", when a chat window suddenly popped up as he looked over my shoulder. I had a good story ready, thank goodness, and Bob didn't open with calling me "Sexy" or anything. :)

  6. Very funny ... I can say that because it has never happened to me. Of course I have my computer set up so that anybody wanting to talk to me has to approach facing me.

    There are also tiny applications that you can download that will get rid of anything on your screen by touching 1 key or button. I think they are referred to as ... something to do with your boss approaching

  7. ah thats why I'm always caught playing spider!

    my eldest son thinks the idea that his mother might be having sex is disgusting......its ok for his friends parents to have boyfriends but not his mother........however we did have a discussion a couple of months ago about me writing. He knows I have a blog. I admitted that what I write can be erotic....he told me to go for it and we even discussed whether he could buy me some men's magazines for my research as I can't reach top shelf. (everything I do is in the interests of research you understand).

    lol at angie thats what prompted me to write my first ever fantasy 'I love my kids but'

    lol at luka I nearly got caught taking pictures once or twice

  8. LMAO!!!!!

    It could have been worse like her walking in finding you with a long icicle sticking out of your butt then try and explain how it was because you ate to many ice cubes lol

    As the kids get older you have to be more careful with what they could see and hear.

  9. Hmmmm.... I wonder which one would require less therapy to repair the damage? Probably Mum reading, rather than writing.

    Walker! Glad to see you.

  10. teehee

    i have to be careful, now the children can talk ... read .. and recognise mummy's arse.

    thank goodness for a laptop that will close quickly

  11. Several years ago I posted a letter in the Playboy forum concerning a sex position Mrs. SW and I enjoyed. It was about the time we moved from the house to the boat and I let my subscription expire. Soooo I did not know that it got published. My son-in-law was a subscriber and read it but said nothing to the rest of his family. However he did leave is copy in the "reading room:". One evening after he and our daughter retired our oldest grandson came bursting through the door holding the magazine and sputtering "look what my grandfather wrote"

  12. To be honest, Im shocked and horrified at some of the depraved things up to which some of you people get... LMAO

  13. That's too funny! Once again I'm feeling relieved to be without kids! BG

  14. My little one was opening my bed side drawer early one morning. Despite the deep sleep i was in i remembered shoving my rampant rabbit in there the previous night. I slammed the drawer shut only to set the damn thing off. Try explaining that one!

  15. OMG that is just too funny.She said in an embarresed way, like when the 16 yr old came in when I was just channel hopping through some of 'those' channels. thank god i got my hand out of my jeans in time!

  16. OMG that is just too funny.She said in an embarresed way, like when the 16 yr old came in when I was just channel hopping through some of 'those' channels. thank god i got my hand out of my jeans in time!

  17. n - lmao, now that is hard to explain, lmao

    Pixie - you almost got caught TWICE!!!!! Must be the holiday spirit :)

  18. *cracks up* Oh, that's brilliant! Aren't you lucky she didn't realise it was yours :)

    xx Dee

  19. If I knew my mum had been reading about arse dildos I would soooo be on her computer in a minute to find out what else she'd been looking at..

  20. Dee - Im her mother, I hope I dont look like the sort of person she would think could keep a blog :)

    Kimba - Which is why I am so religious about cache emptying, cookie and temporary file deletion at the end of every day, earlier if I think there is a chance someone else will use my computer.

  21. ha ha ha! does your daughter know what your blog is called?

    my six year old keeps telling everyone: "My mom is a blogger. Her blog is called Mommy Has a etc." Like she's so proud of me! Which is fine, apart from the fact that sooner or later she's going to tell some of the sexually repressed parents at her school and mama's gonna be in trouble.

  22. EmmaK - she doesnt know I blog at all. I always pretend to be woefully ignorant of how myspace, etc., works so hopefully I am still safe, well except for the fact that she knows I read about lube and arse dildos... Waits for that little gem to be revealed at the dinner table *gulp*

  23. So, have you got your story ready for when/if its mentioned over the dinner table? Or do you just brazen it out and pretend that it never happened, smile serenely, and pass the sprouts?

  24. erm... the latter! definitly the latter! Even though we write under pen names, Chopper and I have to hide our published smut just in case they figure out the truth and then die of emotional scaring! Imagine parent who not only do IT but get paid to write about IT? Oh the shame...
