Thursday 29 November 2007

HNT: Rehabilitation IV - The Return of the Cake!

Well, come on, the franchise slasher/porn movies can do it, so why not me...?

'When you get here, I am going to feast on your cunt.'

These were the words that had been ringing in my ears for almost a week. We had been discussing the Kivin technique, which I had heard of before and seen described as part of a programme in the series 'How to have sex after marriage' which was on C5 Thursday 9pm. The Kivin is a method of licking across the flesh just under the clit whilst holding it proud between the pressure of two fingers on one hand and pressing on the perineum with a finger of the other hand. You're supposed to be able to feel the pulse there increasing with the woman's arousal, I believe.

Anyway, Ruf and I had been formulating the mechanics of this in our heads ready for our time together the following weekend. It has been a long time since he was last able to go down on me. After the termination, I bled for over five entire weeks until I got a proper period. A few days into that I had my IUD inserted, which resulted in continuous bleeding for another 3.5 weeks.

I know Ruf would lick me if I asked but, to be honest, I don't feel comfortable having his mouth there when I'm in that condition so I prefer to dissuade him and pleasure him instead.

Hence, it had been ten weeks since he had last pleasured me cunnilingually. It had also been ten weeks since he had been able to shoot his hot stickiness inside me but, secure in the knowledge that the IUD was where it should be, it was now time to test its efficacy.

No condoms, no blood and no fear.

We were both getting very excited about the prospect of the coming few days.

When I finally arrived, he came out to meet me and help with my bags. It had been three weeks since we had even seen each other. His shaven hair had grown and he had several days of beard. He looked so sexy in a sort of half-pirate/half-terrorist way and, when he smiled, the appearance of the dimple in amongst the stubble tipped me over the edge so that I could barely keep my hands off him!

After dropping all the luggage in the hallway, he took my hand and led me into the lounge, sitting me down on the sofa. Kneeling in front of me, he started to remove my boots and my socks, whilst caressing my calves and shins.

And then he reached up and kissed me. Soft, gentle, searching kisses, reclaiming me from my other life. Evicting the woman who is someone else's wife, casting out the frightened girl who had struggled through all the emotional and physical turmoil of the preceding weeks... and setting Cake free.

His hand undoing my belt and the buttons of my combats, he slid them down and then sat back to admire the view.

The sheer pink polka dot thong hiding very little of the delights underneath, his fingers started to investigate his property; pinching and tweaking at the lips before sliding the fabric aside and saying hello with his mouth. Tracing the contours that he has come to know so well. Licking and sucking and probing until my sighs, giggles and squeals were quite uncontainable.

Reaching back up to share the flavour with my mouth as his hands divested me of the remainder of my clothes. Sliding down my bra straps and burying his face in my half-released, alabaster-pale breasts before unclasping the fastenings and dropping it to the floor as he dragged the thong down with the other hand.

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I was almost cross when he hardly took time to savour the full effect of the pink polka dot lingerie ensemble but, before long, I had forgotten that I even cared as his face disappeared between my legs to bathe in my excitement.

Pulling him up by his ears, I licked myself from his lips and stubbly chin, before tugging at his clothes and helping him to relieve himself of their encumbrance... until he was naked. My beautiful man! All soft pale skin and dark curling hair. Grasping him by his rigid cock, I kissed his mouth and led him into the bedroom, drawing him under the covers to possess me. Sliding him straight inside - bareback, with no preamble. Just our mouths and our bodies pressed against each other as he penetrated the tight wetness and pushed his way to my core.

His love whispered into my ear as he pumped gently. My arms and legs gripping him and enveloping him as I came, murmuring his name over and over and begging him to let go and make me his, culminating in the shuddering release of his passion, slick inside me for the first time in so long... Neither of us hampered by that tiny unspoken fear of repetition that had held us back. It was glorious.

We have come a long way in the last few months. Older, chastened and a little wiser and yet refreshed and replenished. Understanding and accepting the people that we are and the situation we are in. There are no certainties about the future, only the way we feel about each other in the present and that it is too precious to give up without a fight.

The weekend passed in a blur of passionate embraces in our bed, experimenting with some new toys, revisiting some positions that had been precluded by my predicament; dozily wrapping ourselves up in each other, snuggling naked to snooze under the duvet as he refracted, skin pressed against skin at every opportunity, before waking to renewed vigour. The bed a Pandora's Box of metal and plastic accessories as the sheet became a stained rag - spattered with a random pattern of damp patches denoting the bodily manifestations of our lust, punctuated by complete hand prints of lubricating essence.

There are still certain positions of deep penetration that are not as pleasant as they once used to be and I'm not sure if this is psychosomatic or a physical actuality from the device that has been inserted but, to all intents and purposes, our repertoire is back to where it was before The P Word caused a temporary hiatus in proceedings.

It's sooooo good to be back x


  1. It's nice to have something to look forward to, isn't it? I sometimes revel in the anticipation of eating a ripe mango.

  2. hee hee hee

    your words will certainly provide some lessons for me to take home. Enough with 'moralistic' heroines. Women need to know how it is to be a woman on fire.

    You're racy! & I am glad someone can make a lady so giddy.

    ohhh pirate/terrorist look eh? When it works, it works.


  3. woohoo! Welcome back cake, in full force!

  4. Holy cow, that's ROCKIN! Must try that technique! HHNT!

  5. Happy HNT, Cake! WOW! you certainly have come back with style.

    I need to go smoke after reading that! LOL

  6. I've been doing that for years and didn't know it had a name, let alone be a technique! It's just another way for me to make sure that 'she' understands my own passion and how much I enjoy sharing it with her.

  7. GB - Im more of a fig girl myself.

    Thyme - You'll find no morals here.

    Vi/Nitebyrd - Thank you x

    KS - I await your post on its use.

    Ron - You need to get your blog back so you can share the secrets of your arsenal :)

  8. Good Thursday morning to you, Cake !!!

    Beautfiul lingerie, and it sounds like you and Ruff had a wonderful time together - I am happy for you !

    Glad that you liked the pictures of my bedroom in my last erotica post !

    Will add you to my 'vanilla extract' links :)

    Loving Annie

  9. How fantastic! After all you've been through it's wonderful it all ahem, came together. BG x

  10. Thats some nice boobage you have there girl!

  11. Darling, been lurking for a while. Good to see things are going better for you and how lucky for you to be ravaged by this pirate/terrorist.

  12. And it's so good to have you back!

  13. WOW Nice HNT!! and a hot story to boot... Yup, if I still smoked.. I'd be heading out for one now too =)

  14. Yay! We're glad you're back, too. That was totally hot. I could really feel your enthusiasm and passion and love. :)

  15. Hello Annie - Im in vanilla extracts? Damn, I need to get more adventurous! :)

    BG - Thank you, it was rather pleasant

    Naughty K - Hello, Welcome and Thank you. Mind you, you're not so lacking in that department yourself :)

    Milf GW - Welcome to you too. Glad you stopped lurking and said hello.

    Tom Allen/Sulpicia/jstzznu - Thank you x

    Den andra Bloggen - Hello to another newbie x

    Marcelle - Thank you. Id like to think that enthusiasm is my middle name :)

  16. Welcome back... in the week of the Worst Sex Writing awards, I think you deserve one for the best...

    On the pirate/terrorist thing... I'll never quite get the machinations of woman's attraction to men, but I'm sure as hell glad that they are!!

    Long may it continue...


  17. Beautiful pics and retelling of the weekend. Now honestly Cake ... did you really expect him to stop and go ooo-la-la when he saw the panties/bra ... when you are dying of thirst and somebody gives you a glass of water to you stop to admire the cut of the crystal glass. LOL I didn't think so.

  18. (clapping)

    I'm so glad you're back.

  19. so glad that you and ruf are back to full passion together. will loook forward to reading the continueing adventures.

  20. Dazza - You sweetie x And, yes, I do love a bit of stubble even tho I do end up scrum pox sometimes

    george - I see your point :)

    AB/Pixie - Thank you. Been away for the weekend with a testosterone tiger acquiring material for the next few weeks :)
