Sunday 2 December 2007

Aries and Aquarius

Having My Cake and Ruf - I think this says it all really :)

Lets101 - Free Online Dating

Been spending the weekend with Ruf and watching him fight for his next grade. Lots of testosterone-fuelled rampancy... and that was just me - back tomorrow :)


  1. I'm a total astrology whore. I seem to fit all the Cancer traits perfectly, (including being an amazing kisser- LOL!) although I usually have to check Leo as well because I was born on the cusp.

    Compatibility. Very important. Next time I go on a date I'm asking for his entire planetary chart. :)

  2. Oh sod all that Cainer bollocks - the really important question is did Ruf gain his umpteenth dan grade or what??! ;-)

  3. Glad you are having a wonderful weekend with Ruf, Cake !

  4. Marcel - The only thing about the Aries traits that doesnt really fit me is Calm and Cool. Definitely not either of those :)

    Ange - How could you even doubt it? He was magnificent :)

    Annie - Ta muchly

    AB - I thank the astrologer for emphasising all my finer points for Ruf's benefit.

    EA - Mwah x
