Friday 2 May 2008

Blog every day in May

Angela-la has started a new venture. Blog every day in May. I shall endeavour to join her although I am rather concerned that it may become a deluge of old, forgotten memes and personality quizzes.

However, looking through my list of drafts, there do seem to be quite a few rants/observational essays/sexual fantasies that remain incomplete and unpublished so, perhaps, I do have enough material after all...


  1. Good luck! Sometimes it's really interesting to see where people go with writing when they force themselves to do it every day... may prove very interesting. Perhaps I should try and write a song a day!


  2. Well I've got a whole list of sexual proclivities I could blog about, but my readership is already low enough. So what I'm going to do is save them all up and post 31 entries on the last day of May. heh.

  3. Good to have you on board, baby xx

  4. Dazza - Now, there's a challenge for you!

    EA - 31 sexual proclivities? I wait to be enlightened on the 31st!

    Ange - It's a very challenging idea. I shall try to be with you til the bitter end x

  5. Naw, the hard part will be narrowing it to only 31, but that list will certainly that it drives me wild when I've got my tongue on.... wait, you wanna know this? heh.

  6. Your energy amazes me.
