Thursday 1 May 2008

HNT - White Rabbits, White Rabbits

White Rabbits, White Rabbits!!!

It's the first day of the month and that's what we say for luck when we meet someone before 12 noon.

Now, I know they say 'Ne'er cast a clout til May is out' but the sun is shining as I write this and it's a lot warmer than yesterday although the forecast is for lots more rain.


This is actually the first photograph that I sent to Ruf via phonecam. He had already met me in person but, once we started to get more intimate, he sent me a naked picture, so it seemed only fair to start returning the favour.



  1. Always feel free to return the favor to us, too!

  2. it felt warm enough for short trousers for school today.

    Happy HNT

  3. Nice! A naughty picture message now and then is always nice. More so when you're not even expecting one. ;) Happy HNT!

  4. I always thought you had to say white rabbit before you actually SPOKE to anybody! (As soon as I read this I was saying the bloody thing for luck!)

  5. now that's the phone message I wanna get...


  6. Such a beautiful photo at that.


  7. Very nice! The new Troll Meme starts tomorrow.

  8. Ruf is a very lucky man to have met you. In Denver, it was sunny and 70-something degrees yesterday, but today we're actually getting some light snowfall!

  9. An old co-worker from England told me that you should say, "White Rabbit, White Rabbit" on the first of each month before you say anything else because it would bring you luck. I try.

    Very nice picture. Happy HNT, Cake!

  10. You have a VERY sexy body, I love your blog and adore your pics!!!

  11. Os - Ok, ok, I will try to sort something out for your 'Other HNT' ;P

    Me - One minute it's boiling, the next minute it's throwing down freezing rain! I just got soaked to the skin. It was running in rivulets down the inside of my open neck jacket :(

    Amorous Rocker - I agree. It's a shame VODAFONE stopped allowing us to send pics (MMS) as part of our free text allowance. Boo! Hiss!

    Vi - I think you might be right!

    ATLLG - I'd need your mobile number for that ;P

    BW - Thank you.

    Troll - I shall be in. Trying to 'blog every day in May' with Angela-la. I think you'll be getting a whole load of new recruits :)

    Good Doctor - Hello and yes, where would we be without technology :)

    Greg & Sheryl - The weather has gone mad! But wait, isnt that what happens at the start of films where an evil maniac comes to take over the world? *Looks around suspiciously*

    Nitebyrd - I think you and Vi may be right about it being the first thing you say.

    Confessor X - Thank you, thank you and thank you x

    Vixen - Thank you. I think I may also be a recruit to TMI Tuesday :)

  12. as I've said to Luka,

    I am not worthy.


  13. My, my. You are quintessentially feminine, JC...


  14. The "first" implies there were more - do we get to see those as well? ;-)


  15. It's before noon, but I can't actually meet you . . . but I can dream! So, "White rabbits, white rabbits!"

    Fabulous picture!

  16. Ahhhhh ... whatever would we do without mobile phones with cameras in? :D

    Happy HNT :)

  17. I thought it was "pinch, punch, first of the month"...

    Happy May Day! And happy HNT!

  18. AB - Of course you are!

    ~EA - Thank you. Despite my tomboy hobbies, I do try :)

    Bunny - Well, they are Ruf's... I'd have to ask him :)

    Strat - Thank you

    Marcellonyc - Thank you... and for gracing my comments box with that torso :)

    Ro - Well things wouldnt be anywhere near as much fun ;P

    Helga - We say that too!

  19. And I thought you just had to say white rabbit when you woke up, not that I did. It did run through my mind but the pending Bank Holiday is better than any good luck phrase in my mind.

  20. Well that would have been a perfect picture without that white thing blocking my view.

    I'd send you a naked photo, but I suspect what I'd get in return is a visit from the police; and possibly the Dept of Homeland Security. Still, let's say I'm sitting at my desk, but nevertheless giving you a standing ovation. heh

  21. Lady Lush - Hurrah for extra days off!

    EA - Im not from the Homeland. I expect you're allowed to expose yourself to foreigners :)

  22. Completely hot body. Really.
