Friday 13 June 2008

UnderRated: The Penis

The L Word has been a most educational experience in so many different ways. It has helped me get to grips with various aspects of my sexuality and introduced me to concepts that I had never even heard of, let alone considered. But, apart from that, it has been instrumental in making me appreciate things that I had quite taken for granted.

Take the penis, for example. They come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes completed by a foreskin, often without. Pierced or just in their natural glory. And attached to scrotums of equal variety. I have to admit that, although I find them fascinating, they are not particularly attractive objects per se - which is probably why I don't get turned on by disembodied cock shots. But a picture of a naked torso with an erection that has been created for me... now that's a totally different story. It can be the most arousing of sights.

Alice has become one of my favourite characters because of her diversification into all aspects of sex. She makes love to both men and women with equal enthusiasm and aplomb so I guess that makes her a bi-sexual and, in one episode, she is involved with Lisa - a man who claims to be 'a lesbian' as in he only fucks women with a dildo. It is not long before she manages to persuade him to use his cock for its natural purpose.

The thing that has become apparent about Alice is that she loves penetration but not just from using dildos and vibrators (although the scenes when she and the love of her life, Dana, are in the sex shop are hilarious). She likes to be fucked 'conventionally'.

So Alice persuaded Dana to use a strap-on and make love to her using the positions in which a man would fuck a woman. Following that adventure, Dana took a lot of roles traditionally played by the male in a heterosexual partnership - Country Gentleman to Alice's French Maid. That sort of thing. Which started me thinking about how strange it was. That she should want a lesbian relationship but make love with such intrinsically gender-specific stereotypes.

Unlike Alice, who seems to enjoy the whole spectrum of different types of sex, I don't think I could ever imagine a scenario where I would not want a naked penis inside me at the culmination. For me, it is just such a fundamental part of the deal.

I'm not denying that I'm curious about what it would feel like to have a woman rub her clit against mine until we both climaxed but I cannot believe that I would prefer it to the completion I feel with a man and his penis.

That sensation of the quivering tip of his cock at the entrance to my pussy and my gasp of pleasure as the hard flesh penetrates the tight muscles and invades me. The glorious thrust of his passage deep within me, triggering all those explosions in my head.

And don't say that a dildo or vibrator can produce the same effect because, personally, I don't think it ever could. When he's refracting, Ruf often pleasures me with one and, yes, huge amounts of physical pleasure and massive orgasms. But nothing can compare to that sensation of joining with that other person. Feeling his need communicate itself through that piece of erect flesh as it bridges the gap between our two bodies and unites us...

It doesn't matter how much I find the idea of Shane attractive. She is missing a vital component...

And I guess that just confirms that I am not a lesbian.



  1. I'm going to have to watch this show! What channel and when is it on?

  2. I've heard about the show, but never seen it. As for penis's in general, I think they look semi-ridiculous with nothing attached to them, and overrall, there's no question that the female body looks better naked. Then again, I'm straight & probably inherently biased in this direction. Ha.

  3. I wish I had saved the URL of the blog of a woman who asks men to submit pictures of their penises (usually erect) and publishes them with an admiring commentary. It would make made such a nice present for you. I think she is Indian.

  4. Trixie - Im not sure what channel it's on now. We watched it on one of the Sky channels for a while but then the series ended so Ive been hiring it on dvd.

    2$ - Absolutely. They are not a stand-alone item.

    GB - I think you're missing the point. I dont want to look at a whole bunch of penis pictures, erect or otherwise... But an erection in the flesh, so to speak, that belongs to me is a wonderful thing :)

  5. Great post. Are you taking over the Over/Under host duties? Hope so!

    I sucked! But I'll participate if someone else hosts.

  6. Ah, the cock. Maybe someone should wrote a poem in honor of it?

    That being said, I am a huge penetration fan and whatever form that might take I have a feeling I would enjoy it!

  7. Ah, yes, I do love me a nice cock. And yes... it needs to be attached to a nice man for full effect.

  8. Haha...I could write this same post but be the opposing debate on how it's OVER rated.

    Very thought provoking. And you persuaded me fully that you are not a lesbian. :)

  9. Troll - How many people actually participated this week? It seems a bit pointless hosting if only one or two people are doing it and only occasionally? Im not sure I have an Overrated post for two weeks myself yet. Perhaps people could let me know if they want the theme to continue regularly as a community event...?

    K - A penis poem. Now there's a thought. I will give it some consideration and see if I can find any rhymes :)

    Marianne - We've seen the man. Do we get to see that bit as well? ;P

    Vixen - I await your post in two weeks when it's Overrated then x

  10. Cake,

    Need your input on IMPORTANT TROLL POLL!

    I think only a few did OVER-UNDER. Didn't really catch on. My fault.

  11. Ah yes...the penis. When I was younger I just thought it looked like a tacked on afterthought. You know like when you construct something and there's a bit leftover and you're really not sure where it belongs. So you stick it anywhere and hope for the best. In later years I have discovered a new found appreciation :)

  12. Yeah.. not even a fat dildo equals that completion youre talking about. I guess they dont feel like they're missing out though -- Id bet lesbian tongue action more than makes up for no-cock!

  13. Troll - Well I may resurrect it on Fridays in the future if I think I have something to offer.

    Gypsy - PMSL ;)

    Isa - I guess I'll just have to find me someone to provide the evidence for the other side :)

  14. 'I'm not denying that I'm curious about what it would feel like to have a woman rub her clit against mine until we both climaxed but I cannot believe that I would prefer it to the completion I feel with a man and his penis.

    That sensation of the quivering tip of his cock at the entrance to my pussy and my gasp of pleasure as the hard flesh penetrates the tight muscles and invades me. The glorious thrust of his passage deep within me, triggering all those explosions in my head.'

    Two very, very sexy paragraphs. I loved reading them, and might just have been stroking my cock at the same time...
