Tuesday 29 July 2008

The Come Shot

Sugasm #143

Sometimes I wish I could come like the women in the porn videos. Glacial, porcelain dolls with flawless skin and perfectly made-up faces.

You don't see their bodies going blotchily red and hear them howling like a banshee. There is no sloppy wet patch where their mouths have dribbled on the pillow or a puddle of gunk where the mixture of semen and orgasm has leaked convulsively from between their legs.

Their faces remain uniformly the colour the make-up artist applied earlier, not red-cheeked and white-eyed, frantically blinking. They might screw up their eyes, wrinkle their noses and mouth breathily 'Oh, oh, baby that feels so good'. Their visage is not drawn up in some kind of snarling open-mouthed rictus, unable to formulate a coherent sentence as they shriek for God or Jesus or the Ruffian's real name one after another.

No involuntary spasms or abandonment of any semblance of control for them. Whereas I... I...

Well, I just wish I could keep it all neat and pretty. And with my anal obsessive compulsive personality, you'll all know how hard I have tried. But it is not to be.

To come is to let go.

To release the demons that possess me and let them have their way unrestrained, unfettered and so, so free.

And Ruf says he thinks it's beautiful.


  1. it is beautiful, for it is real x x

  2. makes sense here. my sex life is a mere reflection of the rest of my life...kinda repressed...ha.

  3. God I can relate to this post! Hugs BG x

  4. they're not really orgasming then.

    simple as that, lol.

    porn sex is like....like...display food. A little too bright, a little too glossy,and underneath is styrofoam.

    This is why I don't watch "porn". I WANT to see the cum dripping out of a woman. I WANT to see her get all flushed and howling.

  5. As Lilly says they are not real.

    Romeo thinks it is great to see me glowing more and more and I am sure Ruf is the same with you. It's the flushed complexion the damp hair that gets in the way, the heavy breathing the mess and noise that make it so real and therefore so delicious. I have always been like you very concious of trying not to make a mess or too much noise, but with Romeo those worries melted away. It was so good to just enjoy the emotions and physical being without caring who could hear or who would know from the mess what we had been upto.

  6. Sex was never intended to be clean, neat and perfect! And now that you know that "other" trick... ;-)

  7. Oh, don't even question yourself! I'll take real over staged every freakin' day of the week!

  8. Trust Ruf's opinion: the sounds and the sights of real sex are far, far better than what you see and hear in porn films.

    If a lover ever pulls that kind of stunt on me then, for once, I'll be damn certain she's faking it!

    End of discussion :)

  9. Yeah, keep it real I say... best that way, every time.


  10. I'm glad it's not just me who dribbles on the pillow...

  11. I'd get more turned on watching the real sex orgasm you just described than the porn version any day of the week. Whew! No wonder Ruf says it is beautiful.

  12. There are a lot of extreme expressions that people are capable of during sex, and especially during orgasm. Some of them, you'd swear the person was about to have a heart attack, or that they'd just finished running the Boston Marathon.

    Flushed, nostrils flaring, lips drawn back from their teeth, eyes open impossibly wide...




    *grin* No one wants to wear an expression like that... if my lover is looking like that, it's because she's focused on something other than how she looks, and I can be sure I'm doing something right.

  13. What's makes you think the women in porn videos are coming, Mrs Cake. I only believe the squirters. Perhaps you should try it with your mouth taped to see what happens.

  14. 'To come is to let go' expresses it just perfectly. I'm with the others, I like puddles of gunk and the smell of sex.

  15. REAL coming, no matter how, is WAY better than the stilted, boring perfection of porn coming.

  16. The purest sex is the beast we supress inside.
    Once released to satisfy it's thirst the only thing which remains after are the scars of lust and satisfaction tan the hides of the participants to bare witness.

  17. I noticed the other day that I become incredibly red and blotchy during an orgasm and found myself cursing my fair skin and my natural tendancy to blush.

    But in a similar vein, the guys in porn films don't seem to get too messy or excited either. I love the sweat, the groans and the sound of my name as my lover cums so I can only assume that he doesn't mind my blotchy skin or the moans I make. It makes it so much more real and powerful all around.

    Cate xxx

  18. That's what an orgasm is: all blood rushing, blotchy, sweaty wetness. Revel in it! It IS beautiful.

  19. Honestly, I think the porn stars fake it anyway!

  20. I rather ENJOY getting all red and blotchy. No to mention the wet spot(s), and all the other "messy" things that go with a good orgasm!

  21. I know just what you mean! It took me a long time before I was able to believe my lovers when they told me that I look fantastic red-faced and perspir-y. But there you go :)

    xx Dee

  22. I am with Ruf. A woman that can totally let go is, to paraphrase the Bard, a wish that is devoutly desired. It is even more so when one's face is buried deep inside of her, and you can make her shake, explode, and scream while still down on her.

    It has been a long time since I experienced something like that.....

  23. you rarely see anyone scamper off to the bathroom either - before or after...

  24. Fake boobs, fake orgasms, fake squirting, I guess thats why they call it acting. I'll take real any day of the week, real wetness, real messy, real sticky, real hot, real orgasms.

  25. The beds dont creek. No one stops to take a breadth.

    It is never awkward. No cramps.

    It is very inorganic.

  26. Real women have real orgasams and its fun to listed to, watch, and feel. Porn stars, I suspect, don't hav real orgasams and they are boaring as hell to watch so I don't watch anymore. keep having the real thing.

  27. And I'm left wondering WHAT porn you are watching... vanilla?? : ) The porn I watch is not pretty but it is hot.

  28. I am so bored of studio porn. I like to see real women having real orgasms. The only kind of studio porn I can watch is Squirting because then you can see that the woman is really enjoying herself! For me, it's DIY every time!
