Monday 8 September 2008

Mute Monday : B is for... British



  1. Wow, that's impressive posting, it's only been Monday for an hour and 8 minutes... !


  2. There goes my CZJ fantasy right out the window.

  3. No Andy Murray beating Nadal to get to the US open final? He's British... when he wins. ;)

  4. I'm awaiting the monday that you CAN'T make a star trek reference! lol!

  5. Dazza - Ah, the power of Blogger scheduling :)

    Walker - It just really made me laugh

    Mendicatus - When I originally put the post together on Saturday evening, he hadnt won. And Im not sure I'd claim him particularly as yet because he can be rather a rude young man. I will reserve my judgement until he is a little older as I recall Tim Henman having some tantrums in his early career.

    Trixie - Me too. My other selections were Battlestations - which was easy - and Bond. When I realised I was going to struggle to get a reference in for that, I chose British :)

  6. Very interesting but no Greensleeves? Love the map. Pretty amazing Empire when you think bout it.

    Happy Mute Monday.

  7. Superb as always! I am betting there ain't no theme that won't lend itself to a Star Trek reference...Happy MM!

  8. You just had to get that Star Trek in there didn't you? Has the franchise got you on commission? Come on, admit it? :)

    Having come from the Old Dart myself, I can certainly appreciate all things British. Great post Cake. Happy Mute Monday.

  9. Great coverage! Joan Collins is one of my favorite people :o) Happy Mute Monday!

  10. This is a take close to my Anglophile heart! :) had me at Patrick Stewart! Happy MM!

  11. I lived in England for a year as a Teen and this made me smile.... AND you added one of my favorite Star Trek episodes too. I always loved it when they weren't wearing their uniforms.

    What about Cadbury? Hmmmm.

    Happy MM!

  12. The socks with the sandels is just so damn wrong. Ha. Happy MM.

  13. I'm loving this open interpretation of the letter B. So many unique ideas and pics! Excellent. Very interesting to look through your pics :)


  14. Great take on the theme! (No Earl Grey for Jean Luc???) Happy MM!

  15. Troll - Didnt think about that one... but you know there is some doubt as to whether Henry VIII wrote it...?

    Kate - I think you may be right. I suspect I could have found a Bond girl/villain who'd been in Star Trek if Id really tried :)

    Gypsy - No commission and I wouldnt even call myself a Trekkie as such

    Moi/AB - A lot of people forget that Joan Collins was the sweet girl that Jim Kirk fell hopelessly in love with in that episode. City on the Edge of Forever, I think it was called. It is my all time favourite too.

    Thursday/JJ - I just adore his clipped Shakespearean tones and obsession with a nice cuppa tea :)

    2$ - And yet it is a British male fashion statement :)

    Vixen - Thank you x

  16. Cake,
    I so love England ! And I'm going to be in London next April for two weeks - whoo-hoo !!!

    Which castle was it at the top ?

    Catherine Zeta-Jones looked grotesque fat... They shouldn't even do that as a spoof - it is too cruel, especially since it isn't true.

    Do you think William will marry Kate ?

  17. Ho!! God Save the Queen!

    This is really right for the Cake!--very good show!

  18. interesting and very imformative. LOL dark socks and sandals! happy MM!

  19. I love that sun headline. Fits on this side of the pond too.

  20. I love Beryl Cook. I hear there is an exhibition of her work in Plymouth. She lived around Bristol, and many of her scenes are from nights out in the city!

  21. mmmm catherine zeta jones.... she makes me quiver

  22. well done on yet more star trek. It seems they are omnipresent. I'm sure there is psychological help out there if you are ready for it.

    In regards to the socks and sandals I must protest. Those legs are far too tanned and shapely to be a true Brit's, surely? I suspect they belong to an imposter.

  23. Annie - Hope you enjoy your trip :) The castle at the top is Windsor Castle. The Queen sort of commutes between Buckingham Palace in Central London, Windsor (just outside London), Sandringham in Norfolk and Balmoral in Scotland. I suspect that Wills probably will marry Kate since it's been going on for a fair while now.

    Aunty - Thank you :)

    k9 - Dont go copying that fashion!

    Cheezy - I was in two minds whether to include it or not

    Helga - Me too! I have a jigsaw puzzle of the bowls match with one of the competitors sticking her thumb up another's bottom! :)

    (.) I think you could probably make the fat version quiver :)

    B - I hadnt noticed that. You could well be right, but we wont know for sure unless we can see underneath the socks or further up the thigh...

  24. I remember that Star Trek episode! Kirk was so hot.

  25. I get Joan Collins, but you do know William Shatner isn't British, don't you? Why didn't you put Bond, James Bond in there instead? You are hooked on Star Trek, poor child.

  26. Great post.

    We in Melbourne, Australia, place the Brits very low in the pecking order... just ahead of the Kiwis in fact... but of course they're both ahead of Adelaide.

    Good one, Cake, happy MM.
