Tuesday 9 September 2008


He scared her...

Or, let's be more accurate, her feelings for him scared her.

He was the archetypal charmer. Females of all ages fell at his feet swooning; ipso facto, the list of his conquests was long.

And, despite her apparently cool exterior, she was not totally immune.

For what woman would not want to be handled by an expert? A man who could seduce her with the honeyed words dripping from his tongue, coating her in a warm marinade of approval as he promised his unrelenting physical attentions in the pursuit of his goal. It was an almost irresistible package.

So, when the thrust and parry of the game had reached its peak, she climbed the stairs to the allotted hotel room - just as they had both always known that she eventually would.

Growing ever closer to the moment of truth, her resolve engaged her desire in a fierce hand-to-hand struggle... and her good sense lost.

Using the key that he had left for her at Reception, she willingly entered his lair and stepped into the centre of the room to meet his appraising stare.

The hunter and his prey.

Eyeing each other speculatively; both considering the next move in this long-running battle, knowing the precarious position of the Queen and that the denouement was in sight.

The time for combat was almost over.

After some minutes, with a soft sigh, she dropped her gaze, as the realisation dawned that he would not lull her into a false sense of security and then pounce. This predator would not permit her the self-justification of being taken. Would not allow her the excuse of coercion.

Sitting in the chair, lounging carelessly, he watched her humiliation. Waited, finally, for her to accept and submit.

He had seen so many pictures of her in various states of undress but, still, he was unprepared for the luminous whiteness of her skin. Unnerved, he observed her as she complied with his instructions and removed every last item of clothing. Saw the conflicting emotions play themselves out across her face and smiled at the tears as they trickled down her cheeks in distress at her betrayal.

Until she stood there, naked and alone. Slight, pale and totally at his mercy.

It was then that the cold heartless brute behind his strategic Mastery released him and, before she knew what was happening, he was on his knees before her. His face pressed against the soft flesh of her belly. His own eyes leaking with emotion at the prospect of a wish fulfilled.

She had made him work for it but, in the end, she had set aside her principles, made the choice and come to him.

Undressed and offered herself.

In his mind, he swept the pieces from the board.

Mate was about to follow Check and he was victorious.

Kissing her hip tenderly, he allowed his fingers to instigate the job in hand, completely unaware that, before the game had ever begun, she had obtained a crucial permission...


  1. I just cringe inisde at all this, waiting for the heartbreak. I've gotten too cynical for my imagination to be thrilled. Normally it would be panting at the delights to come. Now I'm just worried he will use her and hurt her. sigh. and that she will have cooperated in her own destruction...

  2. The brute melting in her arms is something so powerful. The acceptance of a woman, disrobed with her scars in full view and her emotions bared is enough to melt even the hardest and most jaded of hearts.

  3. Powerful, moving, beautiful.

  4. This is completely and utterly beautiful.

  5. You write so Well! I am understanding a little now.
    Bravo, that she Made him cry.
    To be continued?

  6. This stopped me in my tracks! Well written, it touched me! Well done!

  7. Ah, so you were right about the knight's indirect attacks! And here I was thinking it was the queen who had the advantage . . .

  8. Annie - Who's to say that someone will get hurt...?

    Cheezey - I like the cut of your drift :)

    Spanco/Ms I - thank you x

    Polar - Im pretty sure this has definitely one sequel, maybe two...

    Angel - Hello and thank you

    Riff - ... and who's to say that she hasnt?

  9. Of course she has the advantage. Use him like a bull, Mrs Cake. Make him feel like a squeezed-out tube of toothpaste.

  10. That line mate was about to follow check is one great line, my dear.

  11. Not all victories are battles won but battles lost. ;)
