Thursday 25 September 2008

HNT : Queynte

A few weeks ago, I posted a picture of the Olympic Stadium in Beijing and chided you all for expecting me to expose my girlie bits as a click-thru.

Well, about a year ago, Ruf did indeed take such a picture. I sent it off to the remarkable erotic artist, Jackie Adshead, who had asked for volunteers to help her create a whole gallery of blogging pussies as in the famous episode of Sex and The City.

Today, Jackie emailed me to tell me that she has now completed the paintings. Why don't you go over and take a look...

And then you can start guessing just which one is me :)



  1. They're really good . . . but I can't guess . . . but I did choose a favourite . . . and thought about where I might hang it . . .

  2. I haven't a notion of which one it yours, but they are all so beautiful. What a joyful HNT!

  3. Hasn't Jackie done a brilliant job? I was thinking no 4, but Redhead has already owned up to that one, so I'm going for...No 5.

  4. Very cool! I have no idea which one is yours but I think they are all beautiful. The colours are fantastic.

    Cate xxx

  5. I have no clue which is you but they are all very interesting and well done. They are all beautiful and pleasing to the eye so whatever one is you looks great! Lol.

  6. hmmmmm

    I have no clue but they all are excellent looking!

  7. They are all so beautiful, I left a comment for Jackie about how much they remind me of that perfect vagina documentary and how much women need to see such beautiful images to feel good about themselves,
    BG x

  8. The Olympics haven't looked so sexy since they were competed in the nude. HHNT!

  9. i think they look fabulous, all of them, but i won't have a clue which is yours!

    happy HNT

  10. Come on! How on EARTH would I know that????
    But yes indeed, they are all lovely....

  11. hi how cool that one of those is you. I was asked (under another name) to take part. Who could have guessed how beautiful the results would be.


  12. They are all terrific works of art - but I confess I always prefer the real thing ;-) Happy HNT.

  13. Hell, I couldn't even begin to guess - just looking at the finished picture made me blush!

    It's a most unusual piece for sure and you should be - as I suspect you are! - proud to be a part of it :)

    Happy HNT!

  14. Those are beautiful--and it's fascinating to me to see the portrayal of such variation--but I have no guess.

  15. WOW!
    I wouldn't even know here to start guessing .... but they are ALL stunning!

    I would LOVE to have something like that done!
