Tuesday 23 September 2008


I thought I was not a regular squirter.

But, with this additional highlight, we can both see.

It has sprayed everywhere.

The raspberry rippled puddle on the failed protection of the towel,

A splatter pattern on the surrounding sheet,

Both pairs of hands and the tulip, stained red and tacky.

Crimson finger-printed contusions on my thighs and butt cheeks.

Our matching go-faster stripes from belly to groin.

Pubic hair sticky and matted.

The scene of an axe murder.

CSI would be having a field day.

And this is what defines us.

Where perhaps, in other circumstances, we might wait until another day.

Needs must...


  1. Youve just me right off my subway 6 inch BLT : (

  2. sounds good to me!
    lol@ csi!

  3. How many times we've said, "Maybe we should wait for another day," but then decided not to. Usually worth it.

  4. A red towel is a wonderful thing...

  5. Raspberry ripple colour? My experience of squirting is it has been more clear like. And no, it wasn't urine.

  6. I knew you'd get the hang of it, Mrs Cake, but I'm a bit worried about the crimson colour. What's that all about?

  7. Sage - If I can't invoke Star Trek, then I'll try for CSI :)

    Riff - It's not something I would do from choice, but certainly I was not disappointed

    Helga - I wonder if Santa can be persuaded to give me one for Xmas :)

    Brian/Mr Bananas - Errrr... do I really need to explain the vagaries and uncertainties of a woman's cycle...?

  8. Well, at least you are not pregnant then..... xx

  9. Good to know that you can just forge ahead!

  10. I like what you did with Monday's post, but this one freaked me out a bit.

  11. Justme - Positive thinking :)

    Osbasso - Like I said, needs must... :P

    NYD - Sorry :) But isnt that the whole thing about blogging. Sweetness and light the whole time would be rather dull.

  12. Like liquidising strawberries . . .

  13. Sometimes needs must.....

    Oh, and by the way - do you remember the conversation about "Sex and the City"? Well, I've done them....... :)

    Let me know what you think

  14. Good for both of you. I absolutely hate that some people, of both genders, find parts of a woman's cycle to be offputting, even disgusting. And besides, the colour sounds very pretty. :)

  15. *smile* And here I thought you were getting all set to call in Dexter....

    More power to you, darlin'!

  16. Pleasure does get a little messy at times and that's why they invented washing machines lol
