Thursday 23 October 2008

HNT - Time

Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
Fandalism Free MP3 Hosting

I love wrapping my legs around his thigh and rubbing wet pussy against him. Turning our bodies into some bizarre three-legged Jake The Peg conglomerate as I gyrate my hips and smear my arousal across his skin.

But, sometimes, I only want, in the words of the song, to lie here and just forget the world..

If I could count up the number of hours we have done that over the past two years, it would run into weeks.

Just skin on skin, curled around each other, limbs entangled or sometimes on opposite sides of the bed with only our feet touching. Half-awake, half-asleep. The soft light and muted sounds of the outside world filtering through the closed curtains as we lie enshrined in this sanctuary with the certain knowledge that, no matter what happens in the future, these memories can never be eradicated or spoilt.

A time when it isn't just about sex but an amazing intimacy that grows between long-term but long-distance lovers who learn to appreciate every minute that can be spent together. Where we come to long for the enveloping haven of this naked embrace as much as the physical manifestation of our desire.

Those three little words are spoken often enough but they cannot begin to compare to the affirmation of these golden moments of refraction in the soft afterglow of our passion. Kerrang on the radio and this song playing every two hours or so.

Pure bliss.

It shouldn't work... but it does.

So let's waste time, chasing cars, around our heads.

It was four years ago today that we first set eyes on each other and Hallowe'en will mark three years since we began fanning the flames into a passion that threatens to consume us. With a lyric like this, I'm pretty sure that, in time, this song will also become a favourite.

What is love but the strangest of feelings?
A sin you swallow for the rest of your life?
You've been looking for someone to believe in
To love you, until your eyes run dry



  1. Honey .. you have restored a little of my faith in love. Great songs. Best wishes x

  2. My dear, why is your feline damp? Don't you know cats hate water?

  3. that is absolutely beautiful, and makes me wish for someone to have those moments with. Have a wonderful HNT

  4. As you know, I have a bit of a thing about one of those songs. However, I overheard one of my boys listening to it the other day, and and for the first time in ages it actually brought back more positive memories than negative ones.

    Music like this, linked to important events, is to be cherished. I'm sure you have at least another fours years, and maybe even more.

  5. Intimacy... that's what it's really about, isn't it? The sharing of another's body is not to be despised, but to share on a deeper level, when you sometimes finish the other's sentence or know the song that's running through their head or can just be comfortable saying nothing, doing nothing - together. That's truly intimate.

  6. We should all try to make more moments like this...

    Happy HNT

  7. love those "were the only ones in the world" times...


  8. Beautiful. And I LOVE that song.


  9. Happy anniversary. :) I love the repose of entangled legs.

  10. I sooooo love that song and can understand how you relate to it... beautiful words.

  11. Beautiful all of your post!
    A very HHNT

  12. I dunno the song buy wet is always good as well as arousal smearing!

    Love the pic!

  13. Times like you describe are exquisite. Chasing Cars is the perfect music.

  14. I might been married too long. Those moments seems so far away :S

    Happy HNT!!!

  15. It's those moments that I live for.


    Cate xxx

  16. I think I prefer your calves, Mrs Cake. Meatier but prettier.

  17. what a fabulous HNT, Ms Cake. It's the bumpydebump.

  18. Happy anniversary my dear.....
    I miss those moments. Guess I should be happy that I did once have that kind of intimacy, and for a long time. I think some people never do.
    Good songs too. xx

  19. It shouldn't work, but it does.

    Christ, I know how THAT feels, believe me.

  20. Four years! That's great! Really nice picture, too.

  21. Hello Ms Cakes, I've tagged you, I hope you don't mind . . . I tagged Mrs P as well. Please play! Pop over to mine and pick up the rules!

  22. That's just a sweet, sexy photo, Cake. Happy HNT.


  23. "After" is often better than "during" :-) I know it's Friday already but Happy HNT anyway!
