Saturday 25 October 2008

Use it or Lose it

It applies to so many things.

It was brought home to me forcefully when a close relative began to suffer from premature dementia. The slower she became at doing things, the more her partner tried to help her by doing those things for her. The less she did them, the slower she became. Cause and effect. I'm not saying this was the reason for her eventual decline into full-blown Alzheimer's but it definitely didn't help.

Stroke victims are encouraged to try to regain the physical skills that they have lost through their attack. Particularly women because, unlike men, they use lots of different parts of their brains to perform a specific function. Strokes tend to affect one side of the body and so women can retrain one of the parts on the healthy side to take over the entire task.

If you practice a foreign language regularly, you become more fluent. Refrain from using it and the skills begin to decline. Your knowledge of the vocabulary is depleted, the speed with which the words come to your mind diminishes.

According to the final episode of The Sex Education Show, it's the same with sex, only more so because it's all in the mind. The more you have it, the more you want it. If the pleasure centres are activated frequently, they remain stimulated and you feel the compulsive urge to do it again. If they are not, you lose the desire to repeat the exercise and your libido drops accordingly. Once that happens, your partnership can start to hit a brick wall because you begin to lose the intimacy and from there it can be a downward spiral. Couples need to find ways to spice up their sex lives to make them interesting, to maintain the excitement and levels of lust for their partner and their physical relationship.

In some media articles that I have been reading recently, menopausal women are advised to masturbate or indulge in full sex regularly to maintain the elasticity and lubrication of their vaginas. Those who abstain are likely to discover shrinkage and dryness as a result. Rabbits, tulips, dildos, toys generally will all stimulate the required areas and so should be embraced.

I can't help wondering if the sudden increase in libido after a woman hits 40 is one of Nature's ways to encourage us to use it rather than lose it?

Sex Toys


  1. It's nature's way of making women very smug in the company of their male contemporaries. (-:

    (I was going to say something about having one's nose rubbed in it but thought better of it)

  2. libido and menstral cycles; we're at the mercy of those dratted hormones . . .

  3. Hi cake, it's nice to drop in on you again. I completely agree that some women get hornier and some lose it completely after 40. There ought to be a website where I can find the horny ones and help them. You a public service.

  4. Ha! if you thought 40 was good....wait till you hit 50! LOL!

  5. "The more you have the more you want it" sounds a bit like addiction. Didn't Michael Douglas once have treatment for sex addiction? I recommend the middle way of gorilla-Buddhism.

  6. My wife definitely got hornier after 40, and even more so after 50 when our youngest children left for university. Since then, it has been any time, anywhere ...

  7. My wife definitely got hornier after 40, and even more so after 50 when our youngest children left for university. Since then, it has been any time, anywhere ...

  8. Yikes! I am not quite 40 and I feel like a raging hormone all the time. If others are suggesting that 50 is even crazier, then I think should be locked up!

    Interesting thought that nature through our libidos is trying to keep us young. I have noticed that my older friends and relatives who have lost interest in sex have also seemed to age faster in the way they see themselves. I suppose if you view your sexuality as a thing of the past then it isn't hard to think that there are other things that you are too old to do.

    I hope I don't get that way!

    Cate xxx

  9. My libido woke up again after my daughter hit adolescence with a vengeance. In a way, maybe her apparent withdrawal and rejection gave me permission to get myself back. Thought provoking as usual, Cake, and now I must go off and have a think about a post :)

  10. Don't talk to me about hormones!

    Glad to hear 40 is likely to at least maintain the horniness levels in women, although mine will probably wear me out if it increases!
