Monday 27 October 2008

Mute Monday: K is for... Kobayashi Maru



  1. Khan! My favorite ST movie...sigh

  2. And K is for Kirstie Alley who I was surprised to see in that clip and only half the woman she is today.

    Happy MM Ms Cake.

  3. Great piks. Rikardo Montalban RULED as Khan! And at selling Kordobas in fine Korinthian leather.

    Happy Mute Monday

  4. Haven't we ALL had a Kobayashi Maru in our lives. Great pictures, great idea. Happy MM.

  5. Os - I found Kirstie and a pic of Persis Khambatta without her hair but she was in the first film so it didnt count

    Kate - I have to watch Wrath of Khan. It's just brilliant. I tried to find a pic of the worm and Chekov's ear...

    Gypsy - Kirstie played Savick, the Vulcan. It's actually amazing how many people have been in Star Trek and worn some form of prosthesis - Christopher Lloyd (the Professor in Back to the Future) is the Klingon in the bottom pic and Christopher Plummer (the Captain from Sound of Music) also played a Klingon in the sixth movie.

    Troll - Ricardo Montalban was great as the young Khan but as the older version, he really rocked.

    AB - Absolutely. And so typically Kirk that he altered the parameters so he could win.

  6. Ha! Those are great. Esp loved the one of Kirstie. :)


  7. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one"


    yeah, probably the best Trek movie.
