Friday 28 November 2008

UnderRated: That Friday Feeling

There is nothing quite like that Friday feeling.

Although, truth to tell, I'm more of a Wispa girl!

After a hard week pounding the pavement, when I finally remove my uniform and flip off my shoes to settle myself with a nice cup of tea and a shortbread biscuit in front of Countdown. Giving my flaccid brain a nice little pre-weekend tone-up courtesy of Carol Vorderman.

After that, there is a choice of two scenarios. It's either providing a cordon bleu equivalent (in my dreams) slap up dinner at which my children will turn up their noses and demand funds to purchase Red Bull and crisps from the local Tesco Metro and the requisite teenager versus parent altercation, followed by a glass of wine and an evening on the computer.

Or, far better, having a quick shower, grabbing my already-packed suitcase and legging it sharpish along 200 miles of Britain's favourite motorways to have my itch scratched by the ever so generous Ruf.

So, hopefully, by the time you read this, that's where I'll be.

Ah, yes, that Friday feeling :)

What makes your Friday?


  1. Well that sounds like a fun weekend planned!!

  2. Ladies wot lunch gives me the Friday feeling! Best start to the weekend. Although I would prefer to be having a weekend like yours!

  3. Curry (home made) and vintage Cava... well that was last night anyway. Along with a movie and a live music DVD... hope you have a really good fun weekend, in every way!


  4. Have a fabulous weekend Cake..xx

  5. That Friday Feeling, you say...that feeling of freedom coming...for me it is sitting back and listening to my tunes late into the night after an ale or two. I'm a simple man.

  6. I would have to agree with Master, that feeling of freedom is great. I'm also partial to a glass (or two) of wine during and after a nice meal, some naked time in bed with my love one... you know where this is going.

  7. Don't tell me you've fallen for the carefully manipulated advertising hype masquerading as a popular movement to bring back wispas?

    Still it gives one the opportunity to revive old jokes like:

    Q: Why was George Michael brown around the mouth?

    A: Because he was careless with his Wispa.

    For me, Friday is takeaway pizza and a bottle of wine.

  8. My weekend doesn't start until Sunday, but I manage to get well tanked on Friday night.

  9. Friday...great wine, great food, him & great sex. omg TGIF.

  10. My perfect Friday: finish work, wiped out from the week. Get on a plane at usual bedtime. Get off a plane, sometime in the middle of the night, even more exhausted. Have loads of sex. Finally go to sleep approximately 24 hours after getting up.

  11. Does anyone really under-rate Fridays - other than those poor souls who have to work on Saturdays?

    I like the sound of your Friday - though I confess it wouldn't be Ruf I'd be heading off to!

    I hope you enjoyed your weekend to the full :)
