Tuesday 21 April 2009

Stress No More with the Kegel Workout

I think I've extolled the virtues of exercising your Kegels before on this blog. Not for nothing have I summarily discombobulated three rabbits and expelled not one, but two IUDs with the strength of my pelvic floor.

However, I have to face facts. I'm getting older. The Menopause is fast approaching along with the possibility of the long arms of her hormone-deficient outriders: loss of libido, vaginal atrophy and bladder weakness.

Having had my children by Caesarean section, I'm very lucky. I don't automatically wee myself when I sneeze or laugh. However, I have noticed a lack of sensitivity in terms of my pelvic and core muscles due to having them cut and stitched back together more than once. I have also suffered a lot with frequency-related cystitis and, if my bladder is full, I am conscious that I have to really concentrate to hold on to everything when I make a sudden involuntary movement.

So, when I stumbled upon a site that whose main purpose was to provide the means to eradicate this bane of so many women's lives, I was intrigued.

Use Promotional Code SNM3112 at the checkout and get 5% off before 30/06/09.

The products at Stress No More focus on health and wellbeing, with particular emphasis on the female pelvic floor but also addressing male incontinence. Because it's not just confined to us ladies. For men of a certain age, prostate malfunction can cause similar problems.

The current featured weapon in this on-going battle is the new Kegel 8 machine. This is a bit like a TENS machine in that it exudes an electrical pulse onto the required muscle in order to stimulate it. Scientific studies have shown that this type of electrical stimulation of the pelvic floor muscles can improve the tone and performance of the area, thus reducing urge and frequency problems as well as helping with sensitivity and other sexual issues that can be adversely affected by the rise and fall of the different hormone levels of Menopause.

The Kegel 8 literature explains:

The aim of Kegel exercises is to restore muscle tone and strength to the pubococcygeus muscles (PC muscles) in order to prevent or reduce pelvic floor problems and to increase sexual satisfaction. Kegel exercises have been proven to help in the treatment of vaginal prolapse and preventing uterine prolapse in women, bladder weakness and poor sexual response.

Kegel exercises have been proven to be beneficial treating urinary and fecal incontinence in both men and women. Here in the UK they are known as PC Exercises or Pelvic Floor Exercises, and more recently 'Kegels' after Dr Arnold Kegel, a world-renowned gynaecologist.

When it's in top shape the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle also known as the "love" muscle" helps a woman to have strong and lasting orgasms. But with age, pregnancy, and even lack of sex, this pelvic muscle can weaken. Women have long used their squeeze and release exercises Kegel exercises to help, but they're not enough.

"Many women who do self-guided Kegels don't improve because they don't do them right" says Howard I Glazer Ph.D a NYC-based psychologist who specializes in pelvic-floor muscle diagnosis and rehabilitation.

The Kegel8 Pelvic Exerciser makes sure you exercise safely and efficiently, and results will be apparent in just a few weeks. The adage of "use it or lose it" is certainly true for women and their pelvic floor muscles, with Kegel8 improved pelvic health is easily achievable, and the benefits are amazing in all areas of a woman's life.

Basically, it's a small probe that can be inserted either vaginally or rectally. You should apply the special lubricant to aid insertion and conductivity. Then plug the leads into the main body of the machine and select your programme. There are eight different workouts for varying degrees of problem plus three do-it-youself plans.

I used the device each day over the Easter break whilst staying with Ruf and have continued to make the time daily upon my return. Normally the week following my visit would see me trying to fight off a bad attack of cystitis so I'm looking forward to discovering if the Tight and Tone can improve my muscle tone sufficiently to prevent this.

So far, I am very impressed and I can definitely feel some differences down there. Full explanation of using the device to follow next week and a proper progress report in May when, hopefully, the man himself will give his verdict during our next encounter.

In the meantime, Stress No More's pelvic exercising products were mentioned on the Channel 4 programme 'Embarrassing Bodies' this week as part of their campaign to 'Use it or Lose it' vis a vis our pelvic floors. If you want to have a look at the programme online plus the reviews have a look here and skip to about 40 minutes. Basically, the electrically stimulating devices seemed to produce the best results and were the easiest to use.

If you do feel that you would like to purchase something from their large range of pelvic muscle stimulants, I would be really grateful if you could do so via my affiliate link.

For those of you in the US, this product is approved by the FDA but can only be sold there under prescription. However, many American women have ordered direct from StressNoMore in the UK, so you can still use this link. Postage is £20 by Swiftair for quick delivery.

Use Promotional Code SNM3112 at the checkout and get 5% off.


  1. I predict it will be a big seller. More popular than TENS units.

    There's a Troll Poll up that isn't USA specific for a change!

  2. Sounds great! I'll need to check US availability.

    I've been using "Smart Balls" which are excellent.

  3. Troll - I have contributed :)

    Nitebyrd - I am waiting for the supplier to come back to me for you guys overseas

  4. I'd love to been a fly on the wall when the designers came up with this idea. ;-)

  5. I have just added an extra para to the post for any US ladies who are interested.

    For those of you in the US, this product is approved by the FDA but can only be sold there under prescription. However, many American women have ordered direct from StressNoMore in the UK, so you can still use this link. Postage is £20 by Swiftair for quick delivery.

  6. You speak frankly, I'm in awe.

    I do hope you keep up this public service.

  7. I assume women who do tricks with ping pong balls are pretty sound in pelvic floor area. Maybe you could measure your progress from how far you can eject a ball?

  8. My friend runs StressNoMore so if you want any info, just let me know. She's a wonderful woman and full of helpful advice. A very down-to-earth person.

  9. Cake,
    Just ordered one today - I so hope it works.

    Got the 5% discount after mentioning your site.

    The lady recommended that I start with the PO8 program...

    My muscle control is just about non-existent because I haven't had sex for so long.
    At 51, I want to be able to please my partner when I finally have one again !

    How will I be able to tell that my muscle tone is improving ? Do you get REALLY strong after using it for a while - and how long does it take to get there and maintain it ? 6 months of daily use ?
