Saturday 29 August 2009

Dirty Sexy Money

I finally finished watching the season 2 finale of this last night. It had been half-finished for some time.

When I first started to watch, this would have been unthinkable because it was so well-written but, a season later, I am not totally surprised that it became one of the more high-profile victims of the Writers' Guild action last year. Many promising shows were cancelled as a result of the hiatus that occurred with no scripts being produced. Dirty Sexy Money started really well, with a good plotline and the excellent Peter Krause (previously from Six Feet Under), supported by Donald Sutherland, Blair Underwood and some other lesser known cast members. It provided me with quite a few TV Bon Mots, but it gradually deteriorated in terms of fanciful plotlines. Whether this was the result or the cause of the decision to axe it, is unclear.

I remember when Chris Moyles announced on his radio show that Dirty Sexy Money had been cancelled. He was half-way through watching the first season on dvd and I was awaiting the start of the second on terrestrial television. I agreed with him how disappointing it was because it is so infuriating to find out that a story you are enjoying is going to be incomplete. You just know that the finale will end on a cliffhanger that you are never going to resolve.

Very frustrating.

It's not worth buying as a boxset to keep forever but the first series is definitely worth watching via rental.


  1. That show was my guilty pleasure. Truly awful but I loved it!

  2. I had such high hopes too...but hey, look at the shows that the great unwashed usually watch that bring in the advertising dollars.

    Now that the Networks have discovered cheap "reality" crap the odds of any decent shows appearing will be slim-to-none.

    Then again how did Arrested Development ever last and would you have ever guessed that Charlie Sheen would become the highest paid actor in TV?

  3. I never watched it but I did love Peter Krause in "Six Feet Under". That was one of my favorite shows.

    It's such a shame when intelligent, intriguing shows start to fall apart.

  4. ph - LOL, glad I was not alone

    Donn - Hello! I havent watched AD altho I did read that statistic about Charlie Sheen with wonder but one of my teenagers thinks it's the business. Mind you, they feel the same about South Park, which I just cant get into.

    nitebyrd - The sad thing is you cant tell if the axe fell because of the writing or the writers just gave up because they had been told about the axe...? As I recall Babylon 5 was culled after the first or second series and then brought back due to public demand. It was so great to get the end to such a fantastic story.
