Thursday 27 August 2009

HNT: Sleepy snuggle

As my friends on Facebook will know, I've been spending a fortnight shacked up with Ruf and there have been some interesting developments. More of which over the next few weeks.

In the meantime, my new camera has a timer... and I've worked out how to use it so that there can be more shots which include Ruf.

Recently, I received a complaint from one of my faithful readers because the new mouseovers mean that some people cannot click to see the second picture.

I shall try to remember to include a link to rectify this in future x



  1. Oh, how I love a good snuggle. You look wonderful.

  2. Nothing beats a good snuggle in a cool environment. ;) HHNT!

  3. Beautiful shot! I love moments like that. :) HHNT.

  4. Looks like there's rather more than just snuggling going on in that pic :-) Happy HNT.

  5. Very Cute.

    BTW, if the hidden pic is smaller than the display pic, you get some weirdness because you need to click on the area of the *hidden* pic to display it. That might be why some people are having issues.

    In this case, you need to click in the upper left hand area to catch the link.

  6. Enjoy the snuggles while you can :-)

    Happy HNT!

  7. sexy pic underneath, never heard of this book before, will check it out, i LOVE your clicky technique, i have to tell you again!

  8. So Ruf's balls are still full of sap and not hurting then?

  9. Lovely photo. Great to see you two together!

  10. 13m - It's lovely to be able to take the time to do it :)

    NV - No indeed

    FC - Thank you x

    MinorityRep - Thank you, me too.

    Lapis Ruber - Honestly, it was just a snuggle... altho later :P

    Tom - I'd not thought of that but I think this is one of the first where the second pic was considerably smaller. Normally I fiddle with the sizings.

    Ro - Only a few more days left :(

    the e list - It's a kids book but I love the sentiment involved and no one is too small to appreciate a good snuggle :)

    Ben - Aw, thank you. I like to show him off now and again :)

  11. A good snuggle can be almost as good as sex. Not better than, but right up there.

  12. ah yes, I do enjoy a good snuggle, sometimes it is exactly what I need

  13. I love snuggles!


  14. looks like the fun is going to start soon!

  15. It's nice you get to snuggle for such a long period of time. Love the picture!

    Happy HNT!
